Alec Baldwin Cracks A Joke In Response To Trump's Loss

There are plenty of famous people who have reason to be disappointed in the news that President Donald Trump lost his bid for re-election. Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson predicted a future in which everyone would have no choice but to drink Starbucks "no matter how it tastes." Trump's spiritual advisor, Paula White, held a prayer meeting on Friday in which she called Biden's lead "a premature Satanic agenda" (via Right Wing Watch's Twitter account) and implored the Almighty to overturn "the will of man." 

Conservative celebs weighed in too: Scott Baio of Charles in Charge and Joanie Loves Chachi tweeted, "Liberals cheat and don't even care how the 'old white man' won." Veteran actor James Woods opined, "People who get what they want are often surprised when they also get what they deserve." And former NFL star Herschel Walker tweeted a call for recounting votes in swing states: "Just reading this: Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free [John 8:32 ]. Why be upset about counting legal votes."

One "upset" reaction, though, was completely tongue-in-cheek. It came from Alec Baldwin, who has appeared on Saturday Night Live more than 150 times, many of them playing a spot-on impression of Trump (via NBC). He was quick to post his thoughts on Saturday's election results.

Baldwin's days on SNL are numbered

The 30 Rock star became an SNL fixture after Trump's election, appearing in countless sketches, most recently going up against Jim Carrey's Biden in a spoof of the final presidential debate (via YouTube). Not long after the networks called Biden the winner, Baldwin tweeted, "I don't believe I've ever been this overjoyed to lose a job before!"

The actor, who posts his comments under the name of his charitable HAB Foundation, added a number of other tweets over the course of this landmark November Saturday. Among them: "It will be comforting when we have a President who doesn't Tweet twice as much as I do." Witnessing the reaction of Biden supporters in New York, he said, "What a remarkable thing it is to see and hear the City of NY, my home for over 40 years, come alive again. So, so, so much joy here." He retweeted posts such as Kamala Harris's emotional phone call to the President-Elect, and a tweet from Hillary Clinton remarking that the late Congressman and civil rights pioneer John Lewis "would be proud today."

Finally, he couldn't help sending a jab to the outgoing president: "They're gonna need an enormous shipment of tissues sent to Mar-a-Lago."

Word has it that Baldwin will be making an appearance on SNL tonight (Nov. 7, per The Wrap). Biden supporters will surely want to stay up late (or pause their all-night celebrating) to watch this one.
