Hillary Clinton Reacts To Trump's Defeat

The call heard round the world happened this morning. After four days of waiting, counting, and dealing with plenty of stress no matter your political affiliation, the new president-elect Joseph R. Biden and vice president-elect Kamala Harris have been announced by multiple news outlets. Everyone from major celebrities and politicians to your everyday person has been jumping in with their thoughts on social media. 

Joining the buzz was Hillary Clinton, who chimed in with a reaction to Trump's defeat in the form of a congratulatory note for Biden and Harris on Twitter. She tweeted on Nov. 7, "The voters have spoken, and they have chosen @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris to be our next president and vice president. It's a history-making ticket, a repudiation of Trump, and a new page for America. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. Onward, together." 

What does Clinton's tweet mean?

Clinton appears to be pleased that Trump will no longer hold the title of the president come next year. The former Democratic candidate's tweets often provide a little insight to how she's feeling about all-things politics. But you won't find her tweeting direct inflammatory comments. Rather she uses more eloquently phrased terms, which oftentimes may require a dictionary if we're honest. The term "repudiation" has come up quite a bit now with the election, and with it now featuring in Clinton's recent tweet, you might be wondering what it actually means.

According to Merriam-Webster, the verb repudiate means "to refuse to accept, especially: to reject as unauthorized or as having no binding force." So in this case, Clinton seems to be referring to America's refusal of Trump for a second term of presidency. While she hasn't explicitly stated her glee for Trump's defeat, we have a feeling this reactionary tweet was a celebration for her.
