The World Records You Didn't Know Al Roker Holds

No news catchphrase is more iconic than, "Here's what's happening in your neck of the woods," the famous greeting from Today's — and let's be honest — America's favorite weatherman Al Roker. Although he is a phenomenal television presenter, he's a household name for more reasons than that. Roker's talents extend far beyond the small screen, so much so that the TV personality has in fact landed himself multiple Guinness World Record titles, proving just how clever and wide his skill set is.

His first is an impressive accomplishment, though unsurprising, seeing that his job majorly played into it. Back in November 2014, Roker gave a weather forecast for 34 hours straight, according to CNN. The source says he was permitted five minute breaks for every hour, but he discussed weather for the whole duration — talk about dedication to your career. But more has happened in Roker's neck of the woods than just lengthy weather forecasts when it comes to world records, he's earned them for several other feats, too.

Al Roker's world records are quite varied

So what are Al Roker's other world records? Aside from mastering the art of a 34-hour-long weather forecast, he's earned titles for traveling and cooking, too, deciding to make a whole thing out of it, titling his world record accomplishments as "Rokerthons." For his second one, which took place in 2015, Roker traveled to all 50 U.S. states to broadcast (via Today). The catch? He had to do it all in a week, which he of course made happen, ending it with a jubilant celebration back in New York.

Today says the most recent record-breaking Rokerthon happened just this year in August 2020, and featured a virtual spin due to the pandemic. Roker was given the title for the "most people in an online sandwich making relay," according to Guinness World Records. But it wasn't just a marathon of BLTs — Roker enlisted the help of celebrity chefs and approached it with the mindset of giving back by helping out two organizations in the process: World Central Kitchen and Feeding America (via Guinness World Records).

Philanthropic and talented? There's no wonder why this weatherman is a beloved national icon.
