The Truth About NBC's Steve Kornacki

The networks who have been covering election night results have their stable of superstars. Over at CNN, it's John King and his interactive walls, and at MSNBC it's Steve Kornacki, whose numbers vibe are what all of us need as the states count down to a result in one of the most contested elections in US history. As Today Show news anchor Craig Melvin points out, "I've known @SteveKornacki for years now and I can honestly say I've never seen him eat or drink. There's been some reporting he may be a robot."

At any given time, Steve Kornacki is National Political Correspondent for both NBC News and CNBC. He's also written a book on the country's political divide: The Red and the Blue: The 1990s and the Birth of Political Tribalism (via New York Times). Variety also points out that he's also known for his laser focus on the data he analyses, so much so that he forgets where he is. As Jen Chaney of Vulture said: "A fun fact about Steve Kornacki is that in 2018, he vacationed in the greater Columbus area so he could study Ohio's 12th Congressional District on the ground."

Steve Kornacki came out in 2011

Steve Kornaki was born in Massachusetts and graduated with his BA from Boston University (via All Famous). Vulture calls Kornacki a combination of geek and guy next door, who can break down election results and demographics like no other. But he's also known for something more. 

Kornacki came out as openly gay in 2011, in an article for Salon where he admitted he didn't realize he was gay until his sophomore year of high school, and lived in denial until he hit his early 30s. He wrote: "You may be wondering why I was so afraid. It's 2011, after all, and I live in Manhattan, surrounded in social and professional settings by gay people. It's not like I come from a morally judgmental family; I never feared my parents or other relatives turning their backs on me. But 17 years of fear and hang-ups can be hard for a person to shake."
