The Touching Story Behind Masters Of Flip Stars' Adoption

They may be going through a divorce and also working on a new show together, but Masters of Flip stars and home improvement pros Kortney and Dave Wilson are clearly no strangers to navigating change (via ET Canada). Indeed, the hosts of Making It Home With Kortney and Dave have an impressive track record when it comes to thriving off of transformative experiences, both at work and in their personal lives. One success story that they'll always share? The adoption of their youngest child.

"When I met Dave, one of the very first things I said, no joke, was, 'Someday I want to adopt a baby, and if this is a deal-breaker for you just let me know!'" Kortney recalls (via This Mom Loves). "I just felt like that was something that I was always supposed to do, that was going to be part of my life and my plan, and the reasons changed and evolved but I'm certainly glad I did."

The Masters of Flip stars had a hard time adopting

Knowing that the adoption process would take some time, Kortney and Dave Wilson began the paperwork soon after their two sons, Jett and Sully, were born. The couple were later connected with a family that initially agreed to the adoption, however, they had a change of heart just before giving birth. The situation was difficult for all parties involved; as Kortney explained, the baby's biological grandmother put it frankly, saying a white woman would never be raising her grandchild (via mamabare).

Though heartbreaking, Kortney and Dave continued their search, which eventually led to them adopting daughter Lennox in 2009. Upon meeting Lennox as a newborn, Kortney says she asked Dave what he would say to the first mother who decided to keep her baby. His response? "I would say thank you."

And even though she wasn't the birth mother, Kortney surprised herself as well as hospital staff when it turned out that she was actually able to breastfeed Lennox, who gave Kortney signals that she wanted to nurse. Mother and daughter continue to share their strong bond today, with Kortney recently sharing Lennox's Black Lives Matter story on Instagram. "This girl in the pic that I'm holding in my arms is my daughter," Kortney wrote. "She is precious to me. I remember every detail of seeing her in the hospital after she was born and wondering what I ever did to be so lucky to be her mom."
