The Crown Season 4 Trailer Promises Plenty Of Royal Drama

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The long-awaited trailer for season 4 of The Crown is here and it looks intense, to say the least. We already know that — in spite of the glimpse of Princess Diana in her wedding dress that can be seen in both the teaser trailer and the trailer — we won't be seeing the wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles play out in great detail, but the trailer does show that we will see a lot of drama surrounding the iconic couple. What else does season 4 of The Crown have in store for us?

Aside from the Princess Diana and Prince Charles storyline, which promises to be a huge part of the season, a lot of the drama this season will be focused on another tense relationship: that of Queen Elizabeth II and Margaret Thatcher. As noted by Andrew Marr in The Real Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II (via the Daily Beast) the relationship between the queen and the former prime minister was a complicated one. 

"Here were two women of similar age but very dissimilar backgrounds; previously strangers, they were conjoined during the most tumultuous and confrontational years of postwar politics," he writes.

Season 4 of The Crown will focus on more than one power struggle

As Marr points out in his book, "the Queen's relationship with prime ministers had been with men, either older than herself and to be respected, or younger and to be helped by almost maternal listening." Thatcher, however, was just a few months older than the queen, and a woman to boot. While they can be seen clashing in the trailer, it's clear that they are both focused on a common goal — when Prince Philip questions the idea of two women running the country, the queen snaps. "Perhaps that's precisely what this country needs," she says.

The trailer also shows Princess Diana struggling to fit into her new royal life. "In time, she will give up her fight, as they all do," the queen's mother assures her. When Queen Elizabeth asks what will happen if the young princess doesn't "bend," her sister, Princess Margaret, answers, "She will break," foreshadowing Princess Diana's tragic fate.

Season 4 of The Crown will be available on Netflix on November 15.
