What You Don't Know About Savannah Guthrie

Savannah Guthrie has made a huge name for herself as a broadcast journalist, but her success didn't happen overnight. The anchor has been working in news for nearly 30 years, according to Biography. She started her career in Missouri, before working in Arizona, then Washington D.C., and finally getting her big break at Today in 2011. However, even though she's been on our television screen for decades, there's still a lot of things you may not know about this award-winning journalist.

For example, Guthrie was born in Australia, where her father was stationed at the time. Her family later moved to Tucson, Arizona after he tragically passed away. "Of course it was terrible, and I think about him every day — but there's something about a dramatic event like that that makes you a bit more tender, a bit softer," she told Elle.

Another interesting fact — Guthrie didn't always know what she wanted to do with her life. Biography reports that Guthrie was having trouble deciding what she should study in college and her mother encouraged her to take up journalism. "It was only in college when I started taking journalism classes that the fire was lit, and I really wanted to accomplish things," she explained to Refinery29. "Before that, I was happy to hang out with my friends and listen to grunge music and wear my chunky heels."

Other fascinating facts you didn't know about Savannah Guthrie

Savannah Guthrie isn't just a pretty face, she's also incredibly smart. In 2002, the journalist graduated with a law degree from Georgetown University, magna cum laude, according to Business Insider. She explained that during tough times while studying, she would turn to religion to help ease her anxiety. "Each morning in D.C., I'd wake up and read the Bible," Guthrie wrote in a blog post. "In a little notebook, I started writing down verses that particularly spoke to me." She said that whenever her future felt uncertain she'd turn to those verses.

The accomplished reporter also became a first-time mom in her 40s, as reported by People. Guthrie began dating her husband in 2009 and later got married in 2014. She explained that she and her husband had dated for so long, they thought they had missed their chance to have kids. "When we found out we were pregnant, I don't think there were two happier people on this planet," Guthrie told the publication. Their daughter Vale was born in 2014.

After struggling to get pregnant with a second child, their son Charley was born with the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in 2016, per Today. Guthrie calls him a medical miracle. "In your 40s, and now my mid-to-late 40s, you have the difference in attitude where you can figure out what matters and what doesn't," she said. "And guess what? What matters is your family. Full stop."
