Sacha Baron Cohen Has Harsh Words For Donald Trump After His Criticism

British comedian Sasha Baron Cohen has been making waves since his second Borat movie, but none have been more high profile than the diss that came from President Donald Trump — and Cohen isn't taking it laying down. Cohen teased a clip from the film on Borat's Twitter account saying: "Trump very careful who he let into his events and house. No Covid test necessary – High 5!" The clip shows actress Maria Bakalova who plays Borat's daughter, Tutar Sagdiyev, at different locations in the White House with OAN reporter Chanel Rion, and even meeting with Donald Trump Jr. The Borat team was at the White House on September 16 (via Hollywood Life).

The Voice of America White House bureau chief, reporter Steve Herman, tweeted on Friday the president had been asked on Air Force One that evening about the movie. "Asked if he's seen the #Borat2 footage and if he's worried about security breaches, @POTUS replies: "I don't know what happened. But years ago, you know, he (@SachaBaronCohen) tried to scam me and I was the only one who said no way. That's a phony guy and I don't find him funny."

"To me, he's a creep," Herman quoted Trump's conclusion of Cohen 

Cohen fired back at Trump's criticism with some choice words today, tweeting: "Donald — I appreciate the free publicity for Borat! I admit, I don't find you funny either. But yet the whole world laughs at you. I'm always looking for people to play racist buffoons, and you'll need a job after Jan. 20. Let's talk!"

Donald Trump and Sasha Baron Cohen have history

Donald Trump and Sacha Baron Cohen have history involving one of Cohen's early incarnations, Ali G. The British wanna-be rapper had pitched the idea of using a glove to eat ice cream cones to Trump as he was walking out of an interview. In 2003, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd said Trump recalled: ”I thought he was seriously retarded. It was a total con job. But my daughter, Ivanka, saw it and thought it was very cool.”

Hollywood's comedians have rallied to Cohen's side. Amy Schumer said Borat 2 "is the funniest movie I've ever seen and it's right on time." Seth Rogan said: "I've seen #Borat2 around six times over the last few months, and I can't wait to watch it a seventh. It's crazy and wonderful and couldn't be more timely. It also has a few of the funniest scenes I've ever seen in a movie. I'm excited for you to see it."

Cohen also received an endorsement from the Farrelly Brothers, who tweeted: "I got a sneak peek at Borat 2 last night. It's a MASTERPIECE! Maybe even better than the first. Exactly the movie the world needs right now! P #SachaBaronCohen"
