The Truth About Meghan Trainor And Daryl Sabara's Relationship

What's the truth about Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara's relationship? The singer first became famous with her hit single, "All About That Bass," in 2014; since then, her career has taken off (via Billboard). But for as much fame and fortune that Trainor has, her life wouldn't be complete without Daryl Sabara, her husband, and one true love. 

Additionally, for as well-known as Trainor is in Hollywood, Sabara isn't a stranger to the world of entertainment, either. In fact, you might even recognize him as Juni Cortez in Spy Kids, one of the series' main characters. And even though Trainor and Sabara have each come into their own over the years, they're happiest when they're together, and that just makes them so much more relatable and perfect.

Yes, Trainor and Sabara are an adorable couple, and the story of their relationship and how they met is super sweet. As for the truth about Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara's relationship? It's every bit as perfect as you'd imagine.

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara were set up by a mutual friend

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara didn't just meet on accident, though they also weren't set up by a millionaire matchmaker. Instead, the couple was set up by a mutual friend. And yes, that friend also happens to be a celeb. As Trainor told People, she never would have met Sabara if it weren't for Chloë Grace Moretz, who's undergone a stunning transformation. "I asked her to set me up on a date with the nicest guy ever," Trainor revealed. "And she was like, 'Well, that's my friend Daryl.'" 

Trainor then explained that her first date with Sabara was a double date with Moretz and her boyfriend at the time, Brooklyn Beckham. The foursome went bowling and sang karaoke, which truly sounds like a great way to get to know someone. "It was kind of like a middle school date," Trainor joked. But hey, it worked. 

After hitting it off immediately on that first official date, despite how childish it may have seemed, Trainor and Sabara's love story began to take off — and it's all thanks to Moretz.

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara actually met long before things got romantic

Even though Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara hit it off pretty much right away on their double date with Chloë Grace Moretz, the pair had actually met before in a previous encounter. Specifically, Trainor told People that way back in 2014, before her first single had even topped the charts, she ran into Sabara at a party in Los Angeles. And from what Trainor recalls of the rendezvous, it was pretty hilarious and memorable. "I was like, 'Oh my God, it's Spy Kids,'" Trainor told the publication. "I went up to him while he was getting a drink. I was like, 'Are you Spy Kids?' And he was like, 'Yeah.' And I thought that was so cool."

But that's not all. After the night was over, Trainor was still pretty starstruck. "I called my entire family and was like, 'I partied with Spy Kids last night,'" she continued. If that's not a totally meant-to-be first meeting, then what is?

Daryl Sabara's first impression of Meghan Trainor was pretty sexy

It's no secret that a first impression is important, especially when it comes to romance. And for Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara, that first impression was actually pretty sexy — at least for Sabara, that is. The two interviewed each other for Trainor's show, "Dirty Pop Radio," and according to Entertainment Tonight, things got hot and heavy for Sabara fairly quickly.

After Trainor asked her beau why he fell for her, he responded, "When you walked in the room, I was like, 'Damn, she's a dime'." Phew! That's not a bad first impression, especially from a potential love interest. 

However, the same cant' be said for Trainor's first impression of Sabara. She pointed out that he had a beard, and therefore "looked scrub." But, Sabara maintained that he didn't shave on purpose. "And from that moment on, I always promised you that I can get better and that I can get cleaner-looking," he said. So while Sabara may have had the hots for Trainor from the get-go, she took a little longer to get fired up, and that's OK.

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara's relationship started in summer of 2016

As is the case with many celebrity relationships, Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara weren't exactly super public when they first got together. After all, privacy is hard to come by when you're a celeb, so the two likely wanted to maintain any sense of normalcy they could at the start of their relationship. But from what we can tell, it appears as though the two got together for the first time in the summer of 2016.

In July 2017, Trainor shared an adorable tribute to Sabara on her Instagram, commemorating their one-year anniversary. "An entire year with the love of my life," she captioned the post. Of course, Sabara commemorated their anniversary on his Instagram page as well. "You are the greatest person I know, and I'm so lucky to call you my best friend," he wrote in the caption. " I will love you forever and for always. You are my whole world. Thank you for the most amazing year." 

As their one-year anniversary was in July 2017, that means the two have been officially together since July 2016, and they've come so far since.

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara's first kiss was magic

Your first kiss is so important. But should you kiss on the first date? And what does it mean if you do? Fear not: there's absolutely nothing wrong with smooching on that first date if both parties are into it. And for Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara, moving a little quickly was just what they wanted. 

Indeed, Trainor revealed that the she and Sabara shared their first kiss on their first date — and it was magic. "He kissed me at the bowling alley," she told Cosmopolitan. "I told my security to step outside 'cause I didn't want to be watched." We don't blame her for not wanting an audience in that special moment!

Trainor even admitted to being a little surprised, thanks to Sabara's smooching skills. "He was the best kisser ever," she continued. "I know I'm really good at kissing, but I was shocked when he was." Cleary, Trainor and Sabara had plenty of heat from the beginning. And the fact that Trainor so clearly recalled their first kiss just shows that it was really something.

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara's relationship moved quickly

There's certainly something to be said for love at first sight. And while many people prefer to take things slowly, be cautious with their feelings, and guard their heart, Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara didn't follow any kind of rules when they fell for each other — and we're 100 percent here for it. 

In an interview with People, Trainor and Sabara explained that after that first date, there was really no turning back. "We had a great night, and I've hung out with him every day since," Trainor said. Sabara agreed, and quite emphatically so, too. "As soon as she walked in the room and I saw her, I just knew: This is the one." Ugh, if that isn't enough to melt your heart, then nothing is.

 Trainor and Sabara added that he even went on tour with her not long after their first date, which really took their relationship to the next level. But clearly, it all worked out for them.

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara got engaged on her birthday

While Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara certainly moved pretty quickly at the beginning of their relationship, they took a little time to get to know each other later on. In fact, it wasn't until nearly a year and a half after they first got together that Trainor and Sabara took things to the next level. Specifically, Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara got engaged on Trainor's birthday in December of 2017, and it was the kind of romance you'd expect from a Hallmark holiday movie.

As Trainor explained in an Instagram post, her special day was made extraordinary by Sabara. "For my 24th birthday, the love of my life @darylsabara made all of my dreams come true," she wrote in the caption, alongside an adorable video of the proposal. "He proposed to me under a tunnel of beautiful Christmas lights and surprised me with my family and friends." That's a wedding proposal guaranteed to make you cry!

The fact that Sabara was so thoughtful with his proposal really speaks volumes, and Trainor's 24th birthday is one she likely won't ever forget.

Daryl Sabara makes Meghan Trainor feel confident

You might assume that someone as talented and successful as Meghan Trainor never struggles with insecurity, or feeling not confident. But, that's not exactly the case. In fact, Trainor actually continuously struggles with her confidence — but Daryl Sabara has helped in that department more than Trainor expected.

In an interview with Cosmopolitan, Trainor revealed that Sabara truly helped her embrace her body, and experience a level of self-love she's never had before. "I never really felt sexy with guys before," she confessed. "No one expressed how they liked my body out loud in the bedroom until I met Daryl. He is obsessed with it — every inch." She added that his sincere appreciation increased her self-esteem more than the success her hit single, "All About That Bass."

Sabara's ability to help Trainor truly love her body might not sound like a big deal, but it's clearly made a huge impact on Trainor's life. It's so sweet that he shows such appreciation for her.

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara's wedding was a super special day

No matter who you are, your wedding is typically one of the most important days of your life, to say the least. And when Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara got married, their wedding was even more special, as it took place exactly one year after their engagement – and on Trainor's 25th birthday. That's a lot of significance for one day!

Obviously, their wedding was special for more reasons than that, as Trainor and Sabara are head-over-heels in love. "I'm just the luckiest guy in the world," Sabara gushed in an interview with People. "I got to marry my best friend." For Trainor, the emotions of the day were all too real. "My father started bawling as soon as he was done handing me off to Daryl," she explained. "That's when I almost lost it — it took all of me not to cry tears of joy because I wanted to look good for the pictures!" 

After the emotional ceremony, Trainor and Sabara had a great reception, replete with stunning white decor, multiple cakes, and plenty of hot dance moves.

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara took an non-traditional honeymoon

After their fairytale wedding, Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara took some time before returning to their normal, everyday lives. The two embarked on a non-traditional honeymoon in Bora Bora where they went skydiving, danced in the rain, and...hung out with family. Yes, believe it or not, but Trainor and Sabara actually went on a "familymoon," as they called it, with both of their families. 

As strange as it might sound, Trainor and Sabara loved their unique honeymoon. That's because they were still able to have romantic, private time, in addition to spending time with their families. "That was the best part," Trainor told E! News of the romantic family vacation. "I loved being with Daryl alone, but the familymoon was all the best memories of my entire life." 

Meghan Trainor's husband couldn't have agreed more, as he revealed he'd especially enjoyed bonding with his new father-in-law, who he called the "father of the century." Honestly, a familymoon sounds pretty amazing, and who doesn't love a vacation with all your favorite people?

Daryl Sabara has inspired some of Meghan Trainor's songwriting

Meghan Trainor has more than a few hits in her singing and songwriting arsenal. But as iconic as "All About That Bass," was, or as fun as "Lips Are Movin" is to dance to, the Grammy winner actually says a large part of her success is thanks to her boo. 

As it turns out, Daryl Sabara has inspired some of Trainor's songwriting. "I wrote six songs on the road about him in front of his face," she told Cosmopolitan in a 2017 interview. "One is called 'Marry Me.'" Hey, when you know, you know.

Sabara's involvement in Trainor's music has only grown since then, as he was heavily featured on her 2020 album, Treat Myself. "I've been in the studio every day with my family," she told Entertainment Tonight. "My entire family sings on every song and Daryl sings on every song." Talk about a team effort!

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara's newlywed life was totally blissful

Many people assume that marriage is boring or dull, but that couldn't be further from the truth for Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara. True, they haven't been married for decades or anything, but the happy couple's newlywed life has been totally blissful for them. 

In fact, Trainor and Sabara seemed to be happier than ever when they appeared at the 2019 Grammys after their wedding and familymoon. "I'm just extra obsessed with him and he's extra romantic about everything," Trainor told E! News about newlywed life. "It's gross!" However, Sabara offered a different perspective on life as a husband, and told Ryan Seacrest, "It's way more relaxing now because it's locked in." 

While that might not sound all that exciting, a relaxing marriage is truly what dreams are made of. After all, doesn't everyone want someone with whom they can be their goofiest, laziest, silliest, most fabulous self? That's what Trainor and Sabara have, and it looks like the most fun.

Daryl Sabara helps bring Meghan Trainor down to earth

As famous as Meghan Trainor is, it can be easy for her to forget that her husband, Daryl Sabara, was a child star and a total icon. His role in Spy Kids is what most people associate with him, and for Trainor, it's brought her down to earth a bit that someone might recognize him over her.

Specifically, in an episode of her "Dirty Pop Radio," show, Trainor told a story; she once had her ego checked during an outing with Sabara, when a 3-year-old child approached them. "He walked up to us and I was like, 'Move over Daryl, I got this,'" she recalled. But she didn't need to do this, as the young fan recognized Sabara from Spy Kids, and not her. Ouch, that's gotta be a little embarrassing. 

Fortunately, Trainor recognized her mistake, and even laughed it off, calling Sabara an "icon." As fans of Spy Kids know, she's not wrong.

In October 2020, Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara announced they're expecting their first child

Good news really seems to follow Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara around. In October of 2020, the pair announced that they were pregnant with their first child, and their sweet photo couldn't be any cuter. Alongside a sonogram she shared to Instagram, Trainor wrote, "You all know how long I've wanted this!!!!" She continued that she and Sabara were "so beyond happy and excited to meet this little cutie early next year!"

Then, Trainor appeared on Today, and gave some more details about the big news. "My pregnancy has been pretty easy so far," she revealed. "I do feel like I'm learning new things every single day." Trainor added that everything has pointed to one obvious lesson: "Women are superheroes." 

Truly, the pregnancy news was so special for Trainor and Sabara, who have been very open about their desire to start a family in the past (via People). Clearly, these lovebirds have gotten everything they've wished for, and happy looks great on them.
