Here's What Your Aura Color Really Means

We've all heard it before, and maybe we've even said it ourselves: "That person has a good aura." Even though most of us can't see the aura of another person, we can probably feel it. An aura, while it sounds mystical and magical, is simply a term for the energy field that is emitted from and surrounds a person. Generally, that energy field extends to about five to seven feet around the physical body of a person (Thought Catalogue). This is why some people's energy seems to draw us in, while we find ourselves wanting to stand at a great distance from others. Auras can tell us a great deal about a person before ever speaking to them, and the color of that aura may indicate why that person's energy makes us feel the way it does.

While spiritual practitioners generally believe there are multiple layers to a person's aura, and therefore multiple colors may be "visible" around a person at any given moment, there is one color that is the base of that aura, their "life color" if you will, and that color does not change or shift ( This color can speak volumes about a person's traits, abilities, and even their life's purpose.

Each aura color has a specific meaning

While you can find many different interpretations of aura color, there are some traits that seem almost universally-attributed to each hue. explains the colors this way: Red is associated with the root chakra, which relates to our connection with nature, the physical body, and the material world. A red aura suggests a person is passionate, fiery, sensual, grounded in the physical world, and likely unapologetic about seeking sensual experiences. They likely enjoy adrenaline-boosting activities like extreme sports and are also likely to enjoy travel, adventure, food, music, sex, and everything that makes this physical plane enjoyable. They are driven doers and easily manifest their ideas into physical reality.

Orange is associated with the sacral chakra, which guides emotion, creativity, and sexuality. Those with an orange aura are hands-on learners and dynamic team players who love fostering relationships and communicating with others. They are warm, personable, and creative and crave adventure and experience. They are lovers of people and make connections easily and joyfully. Yellow is associated with the solar plexus, which manages intellect, self-esteem, and personal power. 

Those with yellow auras are generally confident, happy, and have a strong sense of self. They make great, high-energy leaders with the ability to inspire others to achieve their highest and best. They are warm, radiant, and positive and attract other like the sun itself.

What other aura colors mean

Green is associated with the heart chakra, and people with a green aura are naturally loving, forgiving, and kind (via Thought Catalogue). They are drawn to nature and animals, are natural healers, and emit peaceful, calming energy. They bridge the spiritual and physical worlds and easily balance their own needs with their feelings of responsibility to others and to the world. They are focused, principled, and creative. 

Blue is associated with the throat chakra, which rules communication and self expression. Those with a blue aura are intuitive, caring, nurturing, and protective. They tend to be wise but also dreamers, and they place high importance on personal relationships (via

Indigo is associated with the third eye, or intuition and inspiration. People with an indigo energy are likely to have psychic or spiritual gifts. Highly intuitive and empathic, these people rely on a deep inner knowing to make decisions and to navigate the world and other people. Natural connectors and communicators, they can help others see their higher purpose and the intricate beauty and interconnectedness of the world around us. 

Violet is associated with the crown chakra, which rules our connection to dreams and higher consciousness. Those with violet energy are highly empathic, intuitive, dynamic, charismatic, and driven toward a higher purpose. Natural humanitarians, they crave connection and give of themselves easily to help others reach higher states. Deeply connected to the unseen, these people can manifest their dreams easily into reality and may have psychic abilities (via

Colors outside the standard "rainbow" are important aura colors, too

Pink, like green, is associated with the heart chakra. A person with a pink aura is likely kind, compassionate, and loving. They are sensitive and sweet, so they must be careful where it comes to setting boundaries, lest they be easily taken advantage of. They are natural healers, and others feel peaceful and safe in their company. A tan aura indicates a person is logical, analytical, and practical. They may prefer working with their hands and are not risk-takers. They value security and honesty. 

Turquoise is associated with the throat chakra, and those with turquoise energy are skilled communicators (Thought Catalogue). They are empathic and dynamic healers and can help others overcome difficulty and reach their higher potential. Some publications also list white, grey, or black as aura colors, but these are uncommon and not universally recognized.

So how do you know what color your aura is? Well, just by reading these, you likely associate more with some than with others, and you're probably on the right track. However, if you wish to get a professional aura reading, there are multiple practitioners who use different methods of doing this. Some intuitives say they can simply see the color around a person the way most of us feel it. Others use special types of photography that capture colors around you, and those practitioners analyze the placement and saturation of the colors to determine what they mean in your life (
