The Truth About Kody Brown's Lengthy Job History

When you see Kody Brown on Sister Wives, he mostly seems to be kicking back, living the good life and letting his wives take care of the chores. Luckily for them, each one only has to carry 25 percent of the load. For those who don't watch the show, he currently has four spouses and 18 kids. While most of the kids are grown and some have kids of their own, InTouch hints there could be more babies for Kody and wife #4 Robyn Brown should "God's inspiration" hit (and if their troubled marriage survives another season).

So, you may be wondering, what exactly does Brown do to support such a brood? Especially since you never see him do much of anything at all. Well, Soap Dirt dig into his past and found...a lot of variety, but not much stick-to-itiveness. You know what they say about a Jack of all trades, don't you? He's a master of none.

The truth about Kody Brown's lengthy job history

Soap Dirt reveals that back in Brown's early years when he had a mere two wives, he once worked as a lumberjack. No, he (probably) didn't "wear high heels, [suspenders] and a bra" like in the Monty Python song, but he did spend a lot of time away from home. His next job as a traveling salesman also kept him on the road for long stretches (doubtless providing him with ample opportunity to scout potential wives). Brown has also made vague references to working in online advertising and also marketing. While the latter career supposedly provided him with a company car, Brown never supplied details about the actual company or the work he did for it.

Ask Kody Brown what he does for a living today, and he might tell you he's a "businessman." As to what that business would be, why, the business of being a reality star! You didn't think he'd allow those cameras into his home for free, did you? He's on TV, not TikTok. Not just content to sit around and cash his checks from the production company, however, the enterprising Mr. Brown formed his own company, Kody Brown Family Entertainment LLC, which OpenCorporates says has been in operation since January of 2019. Lumberjack to CEO –- an inspiring story, isn't it? And one we can all emulate since, evidently, all you need is a couple of wives and your own reality show.
