The Fly From The VP Debate Has A Twitter Account And It's Blowing Up

During Wednesday night's vice presidential debate, there was an unexpected visitor. He wasn't invited to the big event — we don't know his name or even that he's a he. But in some ways the surprise gate crasher ended up stealing the show. Yes, we're talking about the fly that landed on Vice President Mike Pence as he verbally duked it out with Senator Kamala Harris for their one and only showdown in this election cycle. While the candidates sparred over issues and policy –  with more than a few interruptions between them — the fly made his national debut on live television. 

It might only have been a brief appearance — just two minutes, per Mashable. But the insect's time in the spotlight is now guaranteed to endure thanks to its very own Twitter account, aptly named FlyOnMikePence –  and it already has more than 6,600 followers. And what, you may wonder, is on the impertinent creature's mind?

The fly on Mike Pence's head isn't a fan of the VP

With the tagline, "Pretty fly on a white guy," the fly on Mike Pence's head shared a little too much in one of his initial tweets: "I just doo doo'd in this guys hair." From there, the fly started to play politics and had clearly chosen his side in this election, posting, "Houseflies live for 28 days! That means I will get to see Biden/ Harris win the nominee!!! Go vote!"  He also added, "We all know that flies love things that are dead on the inside." And then he really left no doubt as to his strong political affiliation with his tweet, "I finally landed on a pile of s*** that I've dreamed of!!"

There is no word yet from Kamala Harris' camp as to whether the fly is on the payroll. Mike Pence's team might want to investigate.
