Mary Trump Reveals What It's Like To Be Gay In The Trump Family

When Mary L. Trump wrote her tell-all book, Too Much and Never Enough, she revealed details about her father's family. She talks about the toxic environment that her father, Fred Jr, and President Donald Trump were raised in, along with their other brother and sister. She also slid in a reveal — that she was gay, and the first person in her family to come out (via Financial Times). 

"Even though homophobia wasn't really explicit in my family, growing up, no one talked about homosexuality one way or another. My family was so anti-everything, anything that was different from them," Mary tells Advocate  "So, I just assumed they were anti-gay, and that was something they would not tolerate."

In her book, Mary refers to a time her grandmother said: "It was a disgrace they're letting that little f***** Elton John sing at [Princess Diana's] service." Mary noted that this comment prevented her from coming out at the time. She also explains, "We grew up in a homophobic world. Being gay was never spoken about. I mean, it was there sometimes. There were occasional comments about how gay people are. And then, on television or movies, how they were portrayed, so I got the message that it was wrong. And different. I wasn't trying to be an example."

Mary Trump believes gays make Donald Trump uncomfortable

The Guardian reports that LGBT community has not felt protected under Donald Trump, especially given that the Trump Justice Department urged the Supreme Court to support a rule that gay employees are not protected under an act that prohibits sexual discrimination. Mary tells Advocate that under these circumstances, her uncle's claim that "gays love me" makes her feel uncomfortable. "You know, the same way I feel when he says, 'Blacks love me.' It's just absurd."

"What's worse that on some level, he's actually convinced himself that that is true. Anyone who takes that seriously should be discounted out of hand. Otherwise, it [is] just not worth paying it any attention," she continues. "I think gay people make him [Trump] uncomfortable with male homosexuality. He's like guys with no self-awareness. And trans people make him uncomfortable because he's uncomfortable with anyone that's different. And that includes differently-abled, different color of skin, and different beliefs."
