The Surprising Reason Why Schitt's Creek Ended

The 2020 Emmy Awards might as well have been dedicated to Schitt's Creek. The show racked in an impressive nine Emmy's, including the all-around and much-coveted Outstanding Comedy Series (via Television Academy). Never breaking out of character, Daniel Levy gave acceptance speeches in a kilt and matching face mask. The morning after, Schitt's Creek asked us on Twitter, "Would you like a celebratory picture of Catherine O'Hara as Moira Rose that you've probably never seen before? We can do that." We're not ashamed to admit that we've spent the day gawking at her, preening and dressed as a cross between Rapunzel and The Pope. 

The Emmys aren't the only institution to throw praises at the hit comedy sitcom and its cast. The Canadian Screen Awards fawned over the six-season series in May, where Schitt's Creek accepted six trophies including Best Comedy (via Hollywood Reporter). Did we forget to mention that Jennifer Lawerence and Nicole Kidman are Schitt's Creek addicts (via Variety)? Or, if you prefer, Paul Rudd thinks that Moira Rose (aka O'Hara) is "quite possibly the greatest creation since the Mars Rover."

And, somehow, despite the show's enormous, undisputed success, the cast is calling it quits. Why? They decided that it was time. "It just didn't feel like it was worth the risk to take it any further," Levy told Variety in April 2020. 

Daniel Levy explains why it was time for Schitt's Creek to end

We knew the end was coming. Daniel Levy told E! back in June 2019, that it had always been in the works. "I think ... the fans of the show, have really come to rely on it as like a safe space in a dark time," Levy explained, "The thought of pushing that past its expiry date for the sake of just being able to do another season—I care too much about our viewers and about our characters to risk taking them farther than they need to be taken." A year later, Levy reflected on his decision to Variety. "The goal was at the end of this show, this family will realize the value of love," Levy told the news outlet, "Money can temporarily bandage a lot of things. But they would never be able to buy the kind of closeness that they have by the end of the series."

Did it succeed? Twitter certainly thinks so. "Finally...something GOOD happened in 2020! ... thank you for making something so beautiful," wrote one fan. "This show is my spirit animal," gushed another. If you, like us and the collective Twitterverse, are sad to see the show go, don't give up hope. Daniel Levy's given us a light at the end of the Schitt's Creek tunnel. "I would love to revisit these characters, and I would love to get to play with this cast again," he told Variety.
