Things Only Adults Notice In Sister, Sister

Sister, Sister fans rejoiced in September 2020 when the '90s sitcom made its way to the popular streaming platform. After all, the show is one of the most beloved sitcoms from that decade — which was chock full of amazing TV. Full House, Friends, The Nanny, and so many more great shows were one and even premiered during the '90s, and truly made the childhoods of '90s kids everywhere feel so full and happy and promising.

So, when Sister, Sister, finally became available on Netflix in September 2020, original fans of the show — as well as people who have never seen it — started to remember just how great the series was. The show ended in 1999 after six successful seasons — but with a brand new, shiny platform, the sitcom about identical twin sisters Tia and Tamera is sure to charm a whole new generation of fans. 

With its cheerful banter, lighthearted comedy, and the idea that you could run into your missing twin at any time, Sister, Sister is undoubtedly one of the best shows of all time. That said, there are certain things only adults notice in Sister, Sister, and some of them are pretty entertaining.

A young Brittany Murphy made an appearance in Sister, Sister

Sister, Sister, like many great sitcoms of yesteryear, featured a bevy of A-list actors appearing in guest roles before they were A-listers. For example, Reese Witherspoon played one of Rachel's sisters on Friends, and Andrew Keegan appeared on Full House back in the day. However, on Sister, Sister, there's a paticular guest star that really stands out.

Brittany Murphy made her first appearance on Sister, Sister in the second-ever episode of the series, and she played a school friend named Sarah who appeared in several episodes throughout the first two seasons. Obviously, this was before Murphy became the huge star she eventually went on to be, but fans of the late actress, who passed away in 2009, were still shocked to see her on the series. 

It wouldn't take long for Murphy to land her role in the hit film Clueless, and her star to rise even more. That said, her role on Sister, Sister definitely helped get her to that point. And, of course, it's nice to see her so young and happy during a rewatch of the show.

Sister, Sister's premise is kind of unbelievable

Rewatching Sister, Sister as an adult reminds you just how farfetched the show's plot really is.

If you grew up as an only child, you probably had a lot of daydreams about finding a long-lost twin — or about your parents adopting a sibling just your age. However, in Sister, Sister that actually happens. Like something from The Parent Trap universe, the series works from the premise that Tia and Tamera are twins who were separated at birth by an adoption agency. Tamera was adopted by a successful, overprotective father, Ray — and Tia by her creative, free-spirited mother, Lisa.

When you watched the show as a kid (or even as a teenager), you probably didn't think too much about just how unbelievable that is. In fact, you might have even imagined that it could happen to you! As an adult, the idea seems almost too far-fetched. However, despite this, show creator Kim Bass has said that she took inspiration for the show from her own two twin sisters (via The Cinemaholic). And if it made sense to her, then who's to say it couldn't ever happen?

The bedroom in Sister, Sister is so '90s it hurts

In '90s sitcom fashion (pun intended), Sister, Sister features some of the best style highlights of the decade — including oversized sweaters, white-washed jeans, and denim hats. However, adults rewatching the series will likely feel even more nostalgia for the twins' bedroom, which is honestly so 90s it hurts.

Tia and Tamera's bedroom not only features twin-sized beds and a tiny television for them to watch horror movies on, but plenty of 90s decor, as well. There are a ton of patterns everywhere — from stripes, to florals, to animal print — and basically everything clashes (including the wallpaper). Oh, and who could forget that vanity mirror? It was basically the coolest thing you could have in your bedroom as a teen in the '90s. 

Yes, Tia and Tamera's bedroom had it all, and adults watching Sister, Sister today will definitely notice — and probably even get a little jealous that their own childhood bedroom wasn't as cool.

How could any kid could ever tell the twins apart on Sister, Sister?

Even though Sister, Sister is literally about twin sisters who find each other after being separated at birth, the bond between Tia and Tamera and their hilarious family dynamic quickly became the actual major plot point of the series. 

Tia and Tamera's physical appearance isn't a big talking point for other main characters throughout the show's run — and Sister, Sister does an impressive job of letting the girls shine separately so that viewers can get to know their individual personalities. The show does such a great job at this, in fact, that it's almost easy to forget just how similar the twins look.

When you watch Sister, Sister as an adult, it becomes painfully obvious that there was absolutely no way you could have told them apart as a kid — especially considering Tia and Tamary Mowry are actually identical twins. As both Mowry sisters got older, they obviously started to differ in their appearances, and it became easier to tell them apart. But, on Sister, Sister, doing so based on looks alone was practically impossible — and still is!

The true hero of Sister, Sister is Lisa

Sister, Sister, like any of your other favorite sitcoms, featured more than a few entertaining and eccentric side characters that quickly become beloved among fans. And in the first episode of the series, it became obvious that Tia's mother, Lisa, would be one of those characters. 

In the scene where the girls meet each other while at a shopping mall, Lisa's voice carries extremely well, and her ability to stand up for her daughter is equal parts hilarious and heartwarming. As an adult, watching Lisa be her authoritative, unapologetic self is refreshing. Especially in the shopping mall scene, where Lisa is up-front about money — repeatedly asking Tia how much something is before she agrees to buy it, and then sticking up for her daughter when the store worker says she's been causing trouble. 

From the first episode of the show, it becomes clear that Lisa is a standout character — and as an adult, you can't help but love her. Can we get a Lisa, Lisa spinoff, please?!

It's easy to root for Ray and Lisa to get together on Sister, Sister

Even though Sister, Sister is focused mainly on the twins and their relationship after being separated for most of their life, the lives of other characters in the show are still important. 

And speaking of other characters, the girls' parents, Ray and Lisa, seem to have some intense and heated moments from day one. These moments, while definitely noticeable as an adult, probably just seemed silly when you watched the show as a kid. However, while rewatching the show, you can't help but root for Ray and Lisa to get together — despite their hilariously opposite personalities!

To be honest, we're still wondering why these two didn't end up together. Despite a brief dating relationship that took several seasons to develop (via Distractify), Ray and Lisa called things off and let their love connection fizzle out shortly after making it official. Still, one can hope that in some alternate Sister, Sister universe, Ray and Lisa are enjoying their retirement together — and getting regular visits from Tia and Tamera, of course!

Ray is kind of classist on Sister, Sister

The first episode of Sister, Sister makes it very clear that while Ray and Tamera live a pretty luxe life in a gorgeous, sprawling home, Lisa and Tia were used to living in a cramped apartment in the city. 

Obviously, this isn't to say that one is better than the other — but, in the quirky sitcom, wealthy Ray acts pretty judgmental when he first gets a peek at her living arrangement. Not only does Ray tease Lisa about her decorations and size of her apartment — he also makes some comments that their daughters might not be safe walking to and from the park, which is just outside. 

While watching this all play out as an adult, it quickly becomes clear that Ray's comments are pretty classist. Of course, details like this will slip right under a kid's radar, however. Ray might just have been acting like his hyper-aware, helicopter parent self — but his snide comments to Lisa, a single mother doing her best, don't sit well when you rewatch the show in your adult years.

Roger is adorable on Sister, Sister

If you watched Sister, Sister when it first premiered, then you probably remember that, in addition to Tia, Tamera, Ray and Lisa, another important character was introduced: Roger. 

At the time Sister, Sister rose to popularity on TV, Roger just seemed like a younger kid with a crush on two older girls who lived nearby. However, when you watch the show as an adult, you might pick up on the fact that Roger — played by Marques Houston – is actually pretty adorable.

Sure, Roger is younger than Tia and Tamera — but his adoration for them (and his sweet compliments) are refreshing to watch as an adult. Kids and teenagers might not notice how great Roger is, but adults certainly do. Throughout the series, Roger is mainly painted as a wide-eyed kid with a crush — but when he eventually has a growth spurt, both Tia and Tamera (as well as a lot of other girls at school) realize how cute he really is. It's about time!

Sister, Sister falls victim to this '90s sitcom trope

Rewatching Sister, Sister as an adult causes you to realize so much you never noticed as an adult. For example, watching the series with older, wiser eyes gives you a new appreciation for Roger, who was a pretty adorable kid. However, being sweet and endearing doesn't mean Roger is any less annoying when you watch Sister, Sister years later. 

In fact, watching Roger annoy Tia and Tamera on Sister, Sister might serve as a reminder that seemingly every 90s sitcom featured some kind of weird or annoying neighbor. Friends had Ugly Naked Guy, Full House had Kimmy, and Sister, Sister – of course had Roger.

Sure, Roger is entertaining, but he's also kind of a cliché. According to almost every 90s sitcom ever, any time you live in a suburban neighborhood — or even in a high-rise apartment in New York City — you'll have a neighbor who is a pretty big part of your life. In the real world, that doesn't really happen, and people coming over to your house without even a knock on the door would be considered just plain rude. 

The parents on Sister, Sister have to be unbelievably stressed

As lighthearted as Sister, Sister is, rewatching the show as an adult might give you some anxiety — especially when Tia and Tamera's adventures start to seem like they could turn dangerous.

At some point, most kids have probably thought about running away from home, if just to prove a point about their parents being unfair. However, on Sister, Sister, Tia and Tamera really run away from home — and it's enough to stress out any adult watching the series.

In the first episode, after the twins were reunited, Lisa lost her job and decided to move to another state to make things work. However, Tia and Tamera weren't going to be separated again, so they ran away to the bus station, prepared to head to Minneapolis and stay together. The scene of the twins at the bus station is terrifying, even though a kid or teenager watching it probably wouldn't understand why. However, every adult rewatching the series knows that Lisa and Ray had every right to be mad at their girls for trying to get out of town.

Sister, Sister features an amazing rent price

In the first Sister, Sister episode, Lisa and Tia move in with Ray, who is used to a much more lavish life than they are. So, naturally, the two have to discuss money and financial expectations — such the cost of rent. 

Ray asks Lisa what she paid at her last apartment, and she coyly responds that she used to pay $30 for rent. However, Tia takes it upon herself to reveal the actual rent of their old apartment, which was $350 — and it becomes the price of rent for Lisa and Tia to live at Ray's. Of course, as any adult rewatching Sister, Sister knows, $350 is a major steal when it comes to rent! Today, you'd be hard pressed to find a coat closet that rents out for less than $500 per month in a big city. 

After all, paying rent is not only one of the worst parts about being an adult — it's also one of the most expensive. According to Abodo, the nationwide median cost of rent for a two-bedroom apartment was $1,343 in 2019. Sheesh. We're totally jealous of the cost of living on Sister, Sister.

The whole family living together on Sister, Sister would be pretty awkward in real life

Sister, Sister is definitely a fun show — but the living arrangements seem pretty awkward when you watch the series as an adult.

Listen, most adults aren't exactly strangers to awkward living situations. In college, the dorms are miserable. When you land your first job in a new city, you sometimes might have to have a roommate that's a little awkward. But in Sister, Sister, only an adult could notice just how awkward that living situation must have been.

Considering Ray isn't all that thrilled to have Lisa and Tia moving in with him and Tamera in the first episode, you have to wonder how unpleasant he might be when Lisa has a date and can't watch the girls, or perhaps wants to change the television channel. Honestly, two grown adults who are practically strangers suddenly living together sounds like a nightmare for most adults — even if it did make for good television. 

How do Tia and Tamera from Sister, Sister still look the same age

If Sister, Sister proves anything, it's that Tia and Tamera Mowry know the secret to aging flawlessly! 

It's not exactly all that surprising when people in Hollywood seem to age at a much slower pace than your average American. After all, people like Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez are A-listers with all the money and power in the world to maintain that level of youthful glow. Still, while watching Sister, Sister as an adult, you might just find yourself shocked when you realize that Tia and Tamary Mowry still look nearly the same as they did when the show first premiered.

In Sister, Sister, Tia and Tamera are in high school, but their faces look pretty much the same age in the show as they do now. Honestly, whatever product the Mowry sisters use to maintain their youth could probably sell for $400. After all, who doesn't want to have the face they had in high school? Kids and even teenagers probably don't care all that much about how someone has aged, but it's definitely something only adults notice in Sister, Sister.

Sister, Sister wins when it comes to representation

Sister, Sister features countless memorable moments, characters, and episodes. However, aside from all the hilarious moments and sweet character development, our favorite thing about the show is its commitment to representation — which is something that definitely sticks out when you watch Sister, Sister as an adult. 

When kids or even teenagers watched Sister, Sister in the '90s, the idea of representation in the media might have been a foreign concept. However, for adults watching the show now, it's crucial. Considering racism is still prevalent in America, it's obvious that a show starring a mostly-Black cast being so vibrant and successful in the 90s meant it was a real triumph.

The fact that Sister, Sister was on for six seasons, had over 100 episodes, and is still so beloved by so many today only goes to show just how important it is for movies and television shows to feature more Black actors. Tia and Tamera Mowry obviously went on to lead successful careers after Sister, Sister, but the show was still a huge part of their lives – and is still a big part of ours!
