Natural Remedies You Need For Your Pounding Headache

With all the stress and anxiety of everyday life, headaches sometimes come with the territory. But the good news is that, instead of having to pop ibuprofen every four hours to get by, you can use a few of these simple, natural remedies to ease the pain.

Before you reach for the Advil, try refreshing peppermint oil. It contains menthol, which brings a cooling sensation that can help relax your muscles and ease pain (via Greatist). It works by stimulating blood flow throughout the area where it's applied and helping to reduce muscle contractions. Apply the oil along the hairline and the back of the neck for a tension headache. 

Another simple way to help reduce the pain is by drinking ginger tea or adding ginger to your wellness routine. An anti-inflammatory herb, ginger quickly acts to reduce pain from areas of swelling. A study performed in 2014 even found that taking 250 milligram of ginger powder decreased symptoms of migraines as effectively as a prescription-strength drug (via Healthline). You can take ginger in capsules, as a gel, or add the herb to your diet to reap its benefits.

Your headaches may come from a nutrient deficiency

Common nutrient deficiencies, such as magnesium and Vitamin D, are shown to contribute to issues with headaches. Since headaches are usually a result of other lifestyle choices, implementing long-term solutions is imperative to curbing their incidences. 

According to recent studies, vitamin D levels are directly related to frequency and intensity of migraine headaches (via Insider). This nutrient comes from various foods and sunlight, but many people have to take supplements to fully absorb the amount they need. As such, headaches can arise when the body calls for more of this nutrient. Find a vitamin D supplement to add to your routine if you think you may be low. 

Another nutrient that your body needs to fend off headaches, magnesium, can offer a natural, effective treatment for pain. A study suggests that up to 75 percent of Americans don't meet the recommended intake for this trace metal (via Healthline). Luckily, when rebalancing your levels of magnesium, it also can help to reduce headache symptoms. According to another Healthline report, one study found that regular intake of magnesium helped reduce migraines by 41.6 percent. Taking between 400 and 500 milligrams a day may help to reduce your symptoms and help you relax even further.

If you suffer from headaches, add a few natural ingredients to your remedy list and see if a supplement is right for you.
