Who Is Joe Biden's Granddaughter, Naomi Biden?

Naomi Biden is the member of the Biden family you should be watching when it comes to a future role in politics. While grandfather Joe takes the spotlight now, Naomi's interest in public service has her on a path to follow in his footsteps. While Joe was in office as vice president, young Naomi could frequently be found touring international locations with her grandfather (via Marie Claire). She accompanied him to countries, including New Zealand, Turkey, and China, demonstrating an early interest in international affairs.

Now 26, Naomi is a graduate of Columbia University Law School and gearing up to take the bar exam (via Twitter). She's an outspoken defender of her grandfather and suggests that, in her opinion, he may not be progressive enough. One thing is for sure, Naomi is not afraid to speak her mind.

Naomi Biden is passionate about politics

Naomi recently shared a throwback photo from her time spent at the White House during her grandfather's tenure as vice president (via Twitter). Pictured with Sasha and Malia Obama, the snap from 2017 is simply titled, "Who run the world —> GIRLS," and displays Joe Biden's Medal of Honor. This photo shares just a hint of her tenacity. On the second night of the Democratic National Convention, she added to that idea, "Tonight we learned — How @joebiden got to where he stands today: Strong women. & How he will become the next POTUS: A strong woman. @kamalaharris you inspired girls around the world tonight that anything is possible" (via Twitter).

While it's still early for her to begin a political career, she has already begun taking political action. Naomi and law student partner Peter Neal created the Coronavirus Aid & Relief Guide, a resource to help connect people with relief programs. Her public shares on Twitter promote progressive values with references to Lin Manuel Miranda's "Hamilton" and even re-shares of a "Dogs for Biden" humorous political account. She avidly encourages American teens and college students to vote and concisely condemns policies she does not support. Naomi is clearly one to watch in the future.

Naomi Biden was named after her aunt Naomi, who was killed in a car crash

President Joe Biden's first wife, Neilia Biden, and the pair's daughter Naomi Biden were killed in a car crash in 1972. President Biden has spoken about the crash numerous times; Neilia and Naomi died soon after the future Commander in Chief was elected to the Senate in the same year. The pair were on their way to pick up the family's Christmas tree when their car was hit. Neilia was also traveling with the pair's sons, Beau and Hunter, who were both seriously injured.

The car crash reshaped the Biden family forever, and the loss of their mother and sister also had a lasting impact on both Beau and Hunter Biden. In fact, Hunter Biden later said that the losses are part of why he turned to drugs and suffered from addiction for so long. In a 2021 interview with CBS News, Hunter admitted, "I am more convinced now that trauma is at the center of it." 

Hunter found a way to shed light on the magnitude of such a loss. His daughter, Naomi, was named after the sister who tragically lost her life in the 1972 crash. 

Naomi Biden and President Joe Biden are close

One might think that being President of the United States means it's challenging to stay in touch with close family and friends. Still, President Biden's granddaughter Naomi Biden has made it clear that when it comes to his family, the leader of the United States is always available, and he's made it equally clear on his own time. In fact, during an interview with the "SmartLess" podcast, President Biden explained that his "best recreation" is checking in on his grandkids these days. He added, "They're crazy about me and I'm crazy about them. Every single day, I contact every one of my grandchildren" (via People).

Naomi echoed this sentiment in a 2020 interview with PBS NewsHour in which she said that her grandfather is always within reach no matter what (via YouTube). As she said, "He'll pick up our calls no matter where he is. He'll be onstage, giving a speech, and we'd call him and he'd be like, 'What's wrong?!'"

Naomi Biden graduated from law school in 2020

Both Naomi Biden and her husband, Peter Neal, graduated from Columbia Law School in 2020, and Biden's LinkedIn account indicates that she's currently working as an International Arbitration Associate at Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C. She received her doctorate of law from the famed school after beginning studies there in 2017. She previously earned her undergraduate degree in International Relations and Affairs from the University of Pennsylvania. 

According to the Chambers Association, someone who works in Biden's position will need to be adept at working with people from different countries and nationalities, as a big part of solving disputes or problems between people who often live in different nations. The organization quotes Donald Donovan of Debevoise & Plimpton, who explains, "At the most basic level, international arbitration attorneys are international litigators in a transnational justice system. It's a system that's validated by both national and international law, but not run directly by any given state."

Naomi Biden got married at the White House

Naomi Biden and her husband, Peter Neal, call a very important building home: the pair live on the third floor of the White House, the same area that was once occupied by Michelle Obama's mother during President Barack Obama's terms in office. According to Town & Country Magazine, the pair moved into the White House in August 2021.

This made things that much easier when Naomi and Neal married at the White House in November 2022. The two held their wedding on the famed South Lawn, with the White House offering a rare and unique backdrop for the big day. Per CNN, the wedding took place the same weekend President Joe Biden turned 80, but all eyes were on the wedding itself. CNN also reported that the wedding guest list included the extended Biden family and friends and family, and might have even provided an easier way for invested parties to discuss whether or not President Biden should seek a second term in office.

The wedding was also the first time the South Lawn had been used for a wedding in any of the weddings that have taken place at the White House so far. Both of Naomi's parents, Hunter Biden and Kathleen Buhle were said to have walked their daughter down the aisle, and Peter's father sang a song during the ceremony.

Naomi Biden and Peter Neal helped out with COVID-19 relief

In April 2020, Naomi Biden and Peter Neal pitched in with COVID-19 relief and created an online quiz that helped families and individuals understand the CARES Act and its associated benefits, which many Americans received in the form of stimulus payments during the pandemic. Biden and Neal spoke to MTV News about the CARES Act and the quiz they created together and shared that the matter became personal quickly for them. Neal revealed to the outlet that he began to understand just how serious the pandemic was when his parents revealed they weren't sure they could make payroll for their company. He said, "That came as a big shock to me. When Naomi and I talked to [my parents], we thought, 'Oh my gosh, there's this massive stimulus still happening and there's so much money the government is trying to get out there, I wonder if there's something in there that they'd qualify for.'"

From there, the two put their heads together and came up with a way for just about anyone to find out what they did and didn't qualify for. The resulting Coronavirus Aid & Relief Guide is still available online.
