Inside Chrissy Teigen And John Legend's Surprise Pregnancy Reveal

Looks like Chrissy Teigen and John Legend just won the celebrity pregnancy reveal game, hands down. Not even Beyoncé adorned in flowers could best them with this one.

With the debut of Legend's latest music video, tongues were already wagging that Teigen was expecting, especially since Vevo had promised a "beautiful surprise" to be revealed when promoting the video earlier in the day on Twitter. The couple led us through as emotional journey as we watched their relationship evolve in "Wild," and by the end, moments after seeing the whole family in the shot, the camera settles in on Teigen and Legend cuddled together on the beach, with Teigen cradling the tiniest of baby bumps. 

With that, the internet lost it. This had to mean baby number three. 

Chrissy Teigen confirmed the news on Twitter

With the media already reporting the news, Teigen stoked the fire even more on Twitter earlier in the day by posting one single emoji: a smiley face surrounded by hearts (via Us Weekly). But by evening, it seems the model slash cookbook author slash TV host slash social media maven slash mom of two couldn't take it any longer. She took to Twitter on Thursday night with a video, showing off her baby bump in black spandex in the mirror with Legend tidying up the kitchen in the background, saying, "Look at this third baby s***." 

Ahead of the "Wild" release and eventual pregnancy reveal, Teigen and Legend took to YouTube to talk about the video, dropping a bit of a hint during the livestream. "It's been chronicling our family's growth and our journey and we're so happy that this video is the next chapter," they said of their relationship and past videos together (via PopSugar).  

No word yet on when baby Legend number three will join Luna, 4, and Miles, 2.
