Questions You Should Be Asking Matches On Tinder

Let's be real, it's hard enough to find someone you have any kind of connection with — let alone the love of your life. Fortunately, your dating pool is not limited to work acquaintances or people already in your social circle anymore. With online dating, it's possible to cast your net much wider and possibly meet the person of your dreams. According to research by Stanford University, 39 percent of opposite-sex couples now meet this way. 

But talking with someone online is much different than IRL. "Whether you choose to initiate conversation on a dating app or face-to-face with someone you're interested in, it's always important to have a great conversation starter in your back pocket," Kate MacLean, resident dating expert at Plenty of Fish, told Bustle. "A thoughtful question or reference to your date's hobbies and interests will likely result in an exchange of information that can tell you a lot about someone and, more importantly, whether you're compatible or not." 

Here's a list of questions you can ask your next match on Tinder to help you get the ball rolling.

Ask your Tinder match about their future travel plans

Elite Daily recommends asking your Tinder match where they would like to travel or visit next. This is a great icebreaker question, especially if you love to explore new places as well. Research also backs this up: A poll by Delta Airlines and Tinder, as part of a joint marketing campaign, found that 50 percent of singles say travel is their favorite thing to do and profile photos that include travel are more likely to get matches. So, asking this will not only let you know if they like traveling too, but normally people have some pretty fun and interesting travel stories. 

If your potential love match doesn't have big travel plans, you can keep it simple by just asking what their plans are for the upcoming weekend, suggests conversation expert Celeste Headlee (via Bustle). Though this may seem like a pretty basic question, it can actually tell you a lot about the other person. "I think this question is *very* telling of someone's personality," Headlee explained. "For instance, if all their answers point to staying in and watching TV shows and movies, but you're more of an outdoorsy and active type, this match may not be for you."

Ask your Tinder match the reason why they do their job

Another great conversation starter is asking your match if it's more important to work at a job they love or one they're good at performing. If you're in love with your career and your potential partner isn't — that could be a problem. They might also not understand the extra time you dedicate to your job you're so passionate about. "I think this is an *excellent* question to see whether someone is really pursuing their lifelong goals and doing something they're passionate about ... or settling for less," said Headlee. "No matter which response they choose, it will be fodder for many more conversations and allow you to see how motivated they are in life, career-wise and otherwise."

Now, the next time you're looking at your matches online and deciding what clever questions to ask, you're covered. Who knows, the next person you chat up could be the one!
