You Might Be Using The Wrong Sunscreen. Here's How To Pick The Right One

There are a million and one reasons why we should be using sunscreen. Basically, it's an absolutely vital tool to protect your skin's health and appearance. The sun's UV rays damage skin fibers, called elastins, making the skin sag, stretch, and even retain its shape after it has stretched. As a result, sun exposure is a top cause of wrinkles and age spots (via Cleveland Clinic). More importantly, it's the best insurance policy (outside of avoiding the sun's rays altogether) to help protect you against skin cancer, which the CDC says is the most common type of cancer in America today. 

When you invest in sunscreen, make sure it can do the job, so you reap the benefits and don't sit at home nursing a painful sunburn. The American Cancer Society recommends picking a sunscreen that protect against both UVA and UVB rays. While all sunscreens block the UVB rays that cause sunburn and skin cancer, you'll also need UVA protection to fully guard against cancer, as well as premature aging. Read your labels carefully and look for the words "broad spectrum," as these products cover both.

Pick a sunscreen that does the work

The big, bold, bright SPF, you might find on any bottle of sunscreen stands for Sun Protection Factor. It's followed by a number, which can go from anywhere from 15 to 100, depending on where you live. Dermatologist Cheryl Burgess tell NPR that you're best sticking with sunblocks that have an SPF of at least 30, because "[an] SPF of 30 is going to protect you like close to 98 percent. Now, the thing is, if you go from a SPF of 30 to an SPF 60, well, you don't have that much to improve on. So the higher the SPF usually, the more expensive it is. And it gives you a fraction more of protection." 

The American Academy of Dermatology says SPF 15 filters out 93 percent of the sun's UVB rays, while SPF 30 filters out 97 percent of the sun's UVB rays — and that it's important to remember that no sunscreen can do the job of keeping 100 percent of the sun's UVB rays off your skin. So your best bet is to combine protective clothing with less time under the sun and more in the shade.

Pay attention to your skin type

Lastly, pay attention to your skin type. Mount Sinai Hospital dermatologist Joshua Zeichner tells NBC: "If you have acne or oily skin, make sure that your sunscreen is labeled as 'non-comedogenic,' which means that it has been shown not to block pores. If you have dry skin, look for moisturizers with sunscreen or sunscreens that contain hydrating ingredients." 

And if you have sensitive skin, skip the chemical sunblocks, which can be irritating due to ingredients that absorb into your skin to stop the penetration of UVB rays, per dermatologist Emily Smith (via NBC). Instead, look for sunblocks with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. These are physical, or mineral, sunscreens that aren't absorbed by your skin, but instead forms a barrier by sitting on top of it.
