The Truth About Bindi Irwin's Relationship With Her Brother Robert

Bindi Irwin and her brother, Robert Irwin, are known for their work at the Australia Zoo, for their appearances on TV shows and movies, and of course, for being the offspring of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin. Both Bindi and Robert grew up in the spotlight and have made headlines worldwide — Bindi for her stunning Dancing with the Stars win in 2015 (via USA Today) and Robert with his award-winning animal photography. Plus, these two caught the public's attention again when Bindi expanded the Irwin family by getting married at the Australia Zoo in 2020.

And while it seems like the Irwin siblings have stolen hearts from a young age, what is it really like for these two Aussie animal lovers? While they seem to be the ideal brother-sister duo, their bond requires a closer look. Are Bindi and Robert Irwin truly as close as they seem on TV? Here's the truth about Bindi Irwin's relationship with her brother Robert.

Bindi Irwin and her brother love to show off their close bond on social media

The Irwin siblings are close — and they'll be the first to admit it! Both Bindi Irwin and her brother, Robert, fill their Instagram feeds with photos of the two of them together. In one post from September 2019, Bindi shared a photo of her and Robert smiling with a caption that read, "Thanks for being such a great brother and friend. You always remind me to look on the bright side of life." Similarly, in April 2020, Robert posted a picture from Bindi's wedding, saying, "Bindi, you are the most amazing sister and friend, always there for me through it all." So sweet!

And this sibling affection isn't anything new. They've bragged about their bond online for years. In one Instagram post from 2014, Bindi shared a photo of herself laughing with Robert, captioning it, in part, "He's one of my best friends and always manages to make me smile. He is more and more like Dad every day. I love him more than words and I'm so proud of the amazing human he is becoming." They truly seem to adore each other.

Robert and Bindi Irwin dealt with the passing of their father when they were both very young

The Irwin siblings seem to be very close, and perhaps that's partly because they've been though a lot together. Bindi Irwin was only 8 years old and Robert Irwin was only 2 years old when their father, Steve Irwin, tragically passed away after being stung by a stingray, as Today noted.

Of course, this tragedy changed their world forever, but it seems that getting though this tough time has only brought this family closer together, helping them focus on each other. While some families grow up and grow apart, the Irwins have stayed a close-knit group. In one July 2020 post, Robert showed off a picture of Bindi, mom Terri, and Bindi's husband, Chandler, with the caption, "My amazing family — always a team through it all."

After her engagement, Bindi posted a photo of her parents, Robert, and herself on Instagram with a caption that read, "Dad, You would be so incredibly proud of Robert. He has been such an amazing support during this beautiful new life chapter."

Bindi and Robert Irwin work together at the Australia Zoo

The Irwin siblings have worked with animals for a long time. In fact, Good Morning America reported that Bindi Irwin has been working with crocodiles since she was 7 years old while Robert Irwin has been working with them since he was 5 years old. Still, their mother, Terri Irwin, told People that her kids do have different areas of expertise. She explained that while Bindi is drawn to the science part of conservation, "Robert is boots and all like [his] dad."

With the youngest Irwin sibling finishing high school in 2019, both Robert and Bindi have had more time to dedicate to their work at the Australia Zoo. Which is good because they apparently love working together. Bindi has been known to post about her time working with brother Robert on social media. In one Twitter post from July 2020, Bindi shared a photo of her, Robert, and their mother in their Australia Zoo uniforms. In her caption, she wrote, "'Khaki is not just a colour, it's an attitude.' My khaki crew forever. Love you both so much." It seems these siblings really work well together!

Bindi Irwin and her brother, Robert, bonded over a love of animals

The Irwin siblings seem to get along great, and it's no wonder why: Robert and Bindi Irwin have a lot in common — namely, an immense love of animals. Bindi got comfortable with animal training at a young age, even bringing a baby python on Oprah in 2002. In 2007, she started her own wildlife show, Bindi, the Jungle Girlwhere she was sometimes joined by little brother Robert. Meanwhile, Robert has been known to share his love of wildlife too, and he has gone on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon multiple times, bringing a miniature horse, a baby kangaroo, and even baby black bears on set.

But the siblings' love of animals never seems stronger than when they're working together. Of course, they both work at the Australia Zoo, but they also showed off their wildlife knowledge on their 2012 YouTube show, Growing Up Wild. Later, they worked side by side talking about their favorite animals on their Animal Planet show Wild Times. As if that wasn't enough, Bindi and Robert often post pictures on Instagram of the two of them working together. Clearly, these two have bonded over their love of wildlife.

Bindi and Robert Irwin lived at the zoo together

Most siblings live together growing up, but Bindi Irwin and her brother, Robert, had an unconventional home life that may have cemented their bond more than most brother-sister duos. The Irwin children grew up in a strange place: the Australia Zoo. And apparently, they loved it. "After school, I'll go around on my scooter and jump in with the tortoises to say 'g'day!' or wrangle some snakes," Robert told People in 2018. "Every day is a new adventure."

Bindi reported that they were surrounded by animals at their home. "Our house is right in the middle — we have crocodiles on one side and tigers on the other," Bindi said of the family home. While this means that they may not have had many other kids in their area, the secluded location was likely optimal for sibling bonding.

Later on, Bindi moved out of the family home and into a home with her now-husband, Chandler Powell, as reported by New Idea, but she still works at the Australia Zoo, so he has lots of opportunities to hang out with her brother.

Bindi Irwin and brother Robert Irwin grew up in the spotlight together

With famous parents, Bindi Irwin and Robert Irwin were always in the spotlight. From early appearances on Steve Irwin's show The Crocodile Hunter Diaries and their heart-wrenching appearance at their father's funeral to Bindi's children's show, Bindi, the Jungle Girl, and their YouTube series, Growing Up Wild, these two were always seen together.

It can be hard to grow up in the spotlight, but these two seemed to have stayed strong through it all. In one 2019 Instagram post, Bindi shared an adorable throwback photo of herself pushing Robert on a swing with a caption that read, "Even though I may not be able to push you on a swing now (you're way bigger than me), know that I will ALWAYS be there for you as your sister, friend and teammate. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

It seems that their public appearances may have made their sibling bond even stronger because they still don't shy away from the public eye. They have their own show Crikey! It's the Irwins.

Bindi and Robert Irwin were homeschooled together

Bindi Irwin and her brother, Robert Irwin, may call the Australia Zoo home, but they've also called it their school campus. Perth Now reported that the siblings had their lessons together in a room at home. That is, unless they were traveling. "We've done school in some of the most remote places on Earth and some of the most populated," Bindi said. While they usually have two teachers at home, one for Bindi and one for Robert, they share one teacher when they're traveling. Clearly, these two spend a lot of time together because they've grown up living, working, and even learning together!

But perhaps the only thing that could bond these siblings more than being homeschooled together is getting to skip school together. They admitted that they had a deal with their mother to get out of schoolwork when they were on research trips. "If we don't catch any crocs, it's school all day; if we catch one, it's half a day of school; if we catch two or more crocodiles, we don't have any school," Bindi said. Steve Irwin's son, Robert, added, "We pray every night that we catch five crocs the next day."

Bindi Irwin and her brother were in a movie together

With working together, living together, going to school together, and even hanging out together in their free time, it seems that Bindi Irwin and brother Robert Irwin can't get enough of each other! So, it's no surprise that when 11-year-old Bindi starred in the film Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove, Robert got a cameo role in the film. In this 2010 straight-to-video Free Willy sequel, Bindi played an Australian girl visiting her grandfather in Cape Town, South Africa. Meanwhile, Robert had a small part as a "pirate boy."

When Bindi, who's had a stunning transformation, was filming the movie, the family of three stayed together in South Africa, Reuters reported. While it's not clear if Bindi advocated for Robert to be a part of the movie (or if the youngest Irwin was simply available), it seems clear that wherever Bindi goes, Robert usually goes too.

The Irwin siblings love celebrating their mom and their family of three

Bindi and Robert Irwin spend a lot of time together and seem to be genuinely close. And it seems they're just as close with their mother, Terri Irwin. These three are always chummy on their show Crikey! It's the Irwins and in interviews together. Bindi and Robert have also been known make posts on social media about how much they appreciate their mom. In one 2018 Instagram post, Bindi gushed about her family alongside a photo of the three of them smiling, saying, "The two people who are my best friends and whole world. #FamilyForever." In a post from 2019, Robert said simply, "I have the best mum."

But beyond social media shoutouts, Bindi and Robert also love celebrating their mom together on Mother's Day. They even threw a picnic for her in May 2020. Bindi posted photos of the event, showing a picture of Robert playing the guitar and another of the family smiling together. The caption read, "Guitar songs, lots of food and the best human and animal company you could ask for." This close bond with their mother only seems to solidify the siblings' close relationship.

Robert Irwin helped plan sister Bindi Irwin's proposal

A lot of siblings are close, but not many are close enough to help organize each other's proposals! When Bindi Irwin's now-husband, Chandler Powell, proposed to her, their news made headlines with a beautiful photo from their engagement, Chandler on one knee in front of Bindi. This surprise proposal looked like a perfect moment, but, as Robert Irwin revealed later, it took a lot of time and effort to organize.

Apparently, Robert had to orchestrate a pretend "family photo shoot" so Bindi would be in her favorite dress for the proposal, Robert explained in an interview with Access Hollywood. Then, to make sure he could get the perfect shot of the proposal, Robert and Powell had a proposal practice run. "So, before we did it, Chandler came up to me, and, of course, he asked mom and I for our permission, but he also said, 'I want to make sure it's perfect where I'm doing this proposal,'" Robert shared on The Tonight Show. "So I stood in for Bindi and mocked up where he was going to propose." 

Clearly, the practice run worked out great because the picture turned out beautiful, and, of course, Bindi said, "Yes!"

Robert Irwin walked Bindi Irwin down the aisle

Sadly, Bindi Irwin's father, Steve Irwin, couldn't be there to walk her down the aisle at her 2020 wedding, but luckily brother Robert Irwin was ready to step in. When Bindi was asked who would be walking her down the aisle during an interview with Access Hollywood, she said, "That was actually the first thing I thought of, and it's definitely going to be Robert." When Robert was asked how he felt about this, he responded, "That just meant everything," before admitting that he was a little nervous about it. 

Luckily, though, walking down the aisle went off without a hitch, and Robert even posted about the beautiful experience on social media. In one post Robert made after the wedding, he said, "Walking my sister down the aisle was one of the most special moments of my life. Bindi, you are the most amazing sister and friend, always there for me through it all and I just couldn't be happier you found Chandler." Clearly, these two have a very special relationship.

Bindi Irwin is an avid supporter of brother Robert's career

Both of the Irwin kids are very talented, from Bindi Irwin's moves on Dancing with the Stars (spoiler: she knows the truth about winning DWTS!) and Robert Irwin's photography to, of course, their skill in caring for animals, it seems there's nothing these two can do wrong! Perhaps all this success is due to the siblings' avid support of one another.

Bindi has been known to support her brother's ambitions on social media and has posted about his photography. In one Instagram post, Bindi shared one of Robert's wildlife photos, saying, "Today is #NaturePhotographyDay and I'm celebrating my incredible brother, @robertirwinphotography. He inspires the world through his photographs." In a Twitter post, she gave Robert a shout out before a TV appearance, saying "I have the most beautiful family in the world. I count my blessings every day. Be sure to catch Robert on @fallontonight TONIGHT. I'm so proud, he is absolutely amazing!" 

She and their mother, Terri Irwin, have even appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon with Robert before, and they admitted to host Jimmy Fallon that they were always backstage with him before he'd make his appearances on the show. Bindi told the Saturday Night Live alum, "We're Robert's cheer squad."

Robert Irwin plays third wheel to Bindi Irwin and her husband

It seems that Bindi and Robert Irwin have always been inseparable — and that didn't change when Bindi's husband, Chandler Powell, entered the picture. With a sibling moving out and getting married, a brother might expect to see a change in their familial relationship, but it seems that Bindi and Robert are as close as ever. Robert even welcomed Powell into the family after the wedding, posting on Instagram, "Chandler, I am so happy to now welcome you into our family as my brother."

Robert has also been known to post photos of the three of them working together and hanging out outside of work. It seems that Powell got in good with the family early, as Robert revealed on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon that he asked both him and Robert's mom's permission to marry Bindi before he proposed.

It seems that Robert fits in well with the family. After the wedding, Robert posted a photo of himself with Bindi and her husband with the caption, "Third wheeling Bindi and Chandler's at-home honeymoon!" Powell may have joined the family, but it seems nothing can come between the Irwin siblings!

Bindi Irwin and her brother, Robert Irwin, show off their close bond on their TV show

The Animal Planet show Crikey! It's the Irwins is all about the Irwin family working at the Australia Zoo, but it's also about their lives as a family and their challenges (and triumphs) working together. It's a glimpse into the Irwins' everyday lives. And, of course, it's a glimpse into Bindi Irwin and Robert Irwin's working relationship.

On the show, the siblings can be seen working together to move crocodiles, talking about the health of animals, and discussing their family history. In one 2020 episode, the family celebrated Bindi's wedding, and Bindi Irwin's brother teared up as he said, "I've got the most incredible sister in the world and I absolutely just love her so much, and I'm so happy for her today." The show really gives viewers an intimate look into their special sibling bond.
