Claudia Conway: What You Didn't Know About Kellyanne Conway's Daughter

Claudia Conway, child of prominent parents, is doing what many other 15 year olds do by rebelling against her folks and everything they stand for. That's been pretty much a given, ever since the first vegetarian teen Neanderthal refused to gnaw on a woolly mammoth rib. Claudia's actually quite fortunate in that her parents are Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway and well-known conservative columnist and lawyer George Conway. Their views are strictly Republican, so going the opposite way puts her right on-trend for most other teens on TikTok and Twitter. So much so, in fact, that she has almost 128,000 followers on the latter.

So how has Claudia been using her public platforms? Lately, she's been doing a lot of commenting on hot-button political issues of the day, such as #BLM and LGBTQ rights, both of which she very much supports. As she told Insider in an interview, she just wants "to inform people and spread love." Love for everyone but a certain POTUS, it would seem, since in addition to promoting social justice, she's also adamantly opposed to the current president and his policies. One recent TikTok video had a caption reading "I love trump ... but replace 'love' with 'think that we should extinguish.'"

Claudia Conway doesn't actually dislike her parents

Claudia, originally a Jersey girl, was reluctant to accompany her parents to Washington, D.C., in 2016 when they moved to the capital so her mom could take her place in the current administration. A sixth-grader at the time, she did what any other middle schooler would do and started a petition on to convince her parents not to move (via the New York Post). Needless to say, the crowd-sourced approach wasn't any more successful than the old-fashioned tactic of pitching a fit. She's still not too thrilled about living in the District, but it does give her a front-row view of all the craziness that fuels her commentary.

While Claudia most definitely does not like the man her mom works for (an opinion she shares with her dad, whom Insider calls an anti-Trump conservative), she considers her mom "a badass ... the strongest person I know and she's 100% a feminist." She truly loves her parents and considers them to be "the most generous, most well-educated people I have ever met." Even while adopting diametrically opposite views to the ones they hold, she says: "They are my parents and that trumps all — no pun intended."

Did Claudia get kicked off social media?

While according to Claudia (via Insider), "My dad completely supports what I'm doing," what he doesn't support is all of the media attention it attracts. A few weeks back, he tweeted: To journalists: @kellyannepolls and I do *not* consent to any communications between you and any of our minor children, including our daughter Claudia. So desist. Thank you." Claudia's mom, however, has been a bit less thrilled with her daughter's constantly sniping at her boss and has in the past asked Claudia to take down some of her more incendiary posts — but Claudia has "respectfully declined." 

A few days ago, things seemed to have heated up a bit, as Claudia posted what was meant to be her final video on TikTok "cuz my parents are making me delete social media." She also posted her "last tweet," as well, saying "apparently, i don't have a platform! it's fake! love you all so much. keep fighting." Well, as with so many social media farewells, hers lasted a hot minute, or at least her TikTok exile did since she posted a number of videos after her supposed "last" one.

Claudia now claims she's changed her views

Or maybe not. While she has posted a few videos claiming she's been "cured" of her leftist leanings, one of which shows her kissing a Trump/Pence campaign poster and another in which she sings "I love Trump" while dancing with another poster, these videos are obviously tongue-in-cheek. The fact that she called her mom "Smelly Kelly" in a video explicitly stating that she's been "converted ... back from the dark side" speaks to the sarcasm, since she'd hardly be likely to be embracing her mom's views while insulting her at the same time.

So no, Claudia Conway hasn't undergone any type of conversion, and there's no Claudia-gate cover-up. Just another teenage girl trolling Mom and Dad, like a headline ripped from The Onion: Teen adopts political views in opposition to parents. News at 11. Still, Claudia's teen's eye view of inside the Beltway politics makes for an interesting new take on the same old, same old, so we're kind of hoping she'll be back online and live Tweeting election night coverage.
