What You Need To Know Before Eating Your Next Grape

Grapes are the perfect healthy snack to pick up when you're trying to wean yourself off popping Skittles in your mouth. But even though they're a great source of fiber, fat free, and relatively low in calories, they're also a little too easy to eat, meaning popping them in your mouth one after the other can be just as thoughtless an exercise as eating Skittles.

Still, there's a world of difference between filling our bodies with fake sugars, additives, and refined carbohydrates, and nourishing them with whole foods like fruits and vegetables. But, even considering their healthy side, especially in comparison to some of the other stuff we could be eating, it's entirely possible to eat too many grapes and do more harm than good. After all, too much of anything is bad for you.

Eating too many grapes can lead to weight gain

As Healthline warns, serving size is hugely important when it comes to grapes. Eat too many in one sitting and the calories and carbs add up exponentially, which may negate other health benefits and could even lead to weight gain. LiveStrong agrees, advising that, although a full cup of around 30 grapes only amounts to approximately 105 calories, they're so easy to eat that suddenly you might find yourself ingesting double or triple the amount you intended, increasing the calories simultaneously.

Likewise, one serving of grapes has over 27 grams of carbs, which could also quickly double or triple if you're not paying attention. Since carbs should make up about 45 to 65 percent of your daily calorie intake, or 225 to 325 grams daily, based on a 2,000 calorie diet, eating too many grapes might mean consuming too many carbs overall. Always measure your portion size first to ensure you're not overindulging in grapes.

Eating too many grapes can cause tummy trouble

Grapes are high in fiber, containing around 1.5 grams per cup, according to LiveStrong. Although it's important for gut health, if you have too much fiber, it may cause constipation, particularly if you're not used to consuming a lot. Sometimes, however, it can have the opposite effect, leading to diarrhea as your body attempts to expel the extra fiber.

If you're allergic to grapes, you might get hives on your skin after eating too many. In more severe cases, it could even lead to difficulty breathing or anaphylactic shock. An allergic reaction may signal an allergy to the yeast or mold that grows on the grapes, though, rather than the fruit itself.

As Stylecraze advises, grapes could also aggravate kidney problems or even adversely affect how certain medicines are broken down by the liver. In particular, blood thinners can be negatively impacted so anybody taking these should limit their grape intake. Much like with anything else, though, if you're concerned, consult your doctor immediately.
