Here's What You'll Need To Do To Enter An Apple Store Now

Apple began shutting down their stores in March after growing fear about the spread of COVID-19. The closures were meant to only last for two weeks, but by the end of March, Apple had shut its store doors indefinitely (via At the time, Apple CEO Tim Cook tweeted, "In our workplaces and communities, we must do all we can to prevent the spread of COVID-19." The technology giant has just over 500 stores globally.

In a recent statement from Apple, the company announced that it would start to reopen just under 100 of its locations worldwide. In the United States, Apple plans to open 25 stores across seven states as safety protocols ease in various locations. The U.S. Apple locations that plan to reopen include Florida, California, Washington, Hawaii, Oklahoma, and Colorado (via Despite reopening, Apple is implementing strict precautions for both customers and employees. So what will you have to do to get into an Apple store?

Face coverings, temperature checks, and basic screening will be required at Apple

Several U.S. states are reopening at different paces and each state has its own regulations about what is required by its residents in public. Apple, however, is implementing its own rigid set of requirements for customers and the employees once its stores begin to reopen. In the letter posted to the Apple site, retail head Deirdre O'Brien said, "Face coverings will be required for all of our teams and customers and we will provide them to customers who don't bring their own. Temperature checks will be conducted at the door and posted health questions will screen for those with symptoms — like cough or fever — or who have had recent exposure to someone infected with COVID‑19."

The stores are also planning to do "enhanced deep cleanings" throughout the day with extra care on commonly touched surfaces. As another added precaution, the stores will have limited occupancy.

In the meantime, you are still able to get Apple products serviced through their online programs if there isn't an open store near you.
