The Untold Truth Of Julie Chrisley

Julie Chrisley may be best known for being Todd Chrisley's wife — however, being married to the real estate mogul and star of Chrisley Knows Best isn't even close to being the most fascinating part about Julie.

As fans of the show know, there are few reality series quite as endearing as Chrisley Knows Best. The popular USA Network show follows the misadventures of Todd and Julie Chrisley — as well as their children Grayson, Savannah, and Chase Chrisley — as they make their way through life, one Southern expression at a time. And while most of the shenanigans on the show feature the hilarious and outspoken Todd Chrisley's relationship with his kids – Julie has proven herself to be quite the firecracker, as well.

Viewers show might think they know all there is to know about the wife and mother; however, fans may be surprised to learn that — despite her laid-back disposition on Chrisley Knows Best – Julie has lived quite an extraordinary life. And, unlike some other reality stars, it's clear the Chrisley matriarch is more focused on family than fame. Here's a look at the untold truth of Julie Chrisley. 

Julie Chrisley had an incredibly humble childhood

Julie Chrisley might be a super successful reality TV star now — however, the Chrisley Knows Best star likely could have never predicted this life for herself.

Anyone who has seen an episode of Chrisley Knows Best certainly knows the Chrisley family is financially secure. So, it might come as a surprise to learn the lavish life Todd and Julie Chrisley live today is entirely different than the life Julie is rumored to have lived as a child. While she now touts designer handbags and drives expensive cars, the reality star's family was reportedly very poor when Julie was growing up. Speaking with Radar Online, an anonymous source claimed the Chrisley Knows Best star spent her childhood in a double wide trailer located on a rural South Carolina dirt road 

"Julie claims she has family money, but all you have to do is look at [her parents'] trailer to know the truth about where she came from," the source revealed. Of course, while Julie herself has remained mum about her early years, it's safe to say the McMansion she and Todd live in now is a far cry from her childhood home.

Julie Chrisley has been married more than once

Julie Chrisley seems to be a happily married woman; however, the truth about Todd and Julie Chrisley's relationship may come as a surprise to fans.

While Chrisley Knows Best might paint Todd and Julie to be a perfect match, the reality stars were married to other people before finding their way to each other. According to a Radar Online interview with her reported former in-laws, an 18-year-old Julie married her high school sweetheart, Kenneth Wayne Childress, in 1991. And though the two are rumored to have divorced only a few years later, Julie's former in-laws still remember the union vividly. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if Julie's ex-husband's family has fond memories of her. In fact, a woman claiming to be her former sister-in-law accused Julie of cheating, telling Radar Online, "Kenny was married to Julie when she started seeing Todd."

Considering how in sync Julie and Todd appear to be on Chrisley Knows Best, it's difficult to imagine her being married to anyone else. However, just like the old saying goes: when one door closes, another one opens — and Todd Chrisley just might be standing on the other side.

Julie Chrisley considers this city home

Julie Chrisley might have been raised in South Carolina, but the city this reality star considers home happens to be in an entirely different state. 

As fans of Chrisley Knows Best are well aware, the USA Network show has seen the Chrisley family go through plenty of changes. On Season 4 of the show, viewers watched as the family packed up their bags and moved from Atlanta, Georgia to Nashville, Tennessee. According to, Julie bought the family's new Nashville residence in 2016 for $1.6 million. Writing about the big move on the show's blog, Todd revealed in a since-removed post, "We LOVE both places and are so lucky to call two of the greatest cities in America our home." However, it seems his wife prefers one city over the other. 

"Atlanta will always be home," Julie explained in an interview with Style Blueprint. She continued, saying, "This is where we have raised our children. No matter where we go in this world, we always find our way back home." 

Julie Chrisley is a breast cancer survivor, but she almost didn't get tested

Julie Chrisley has proven herself to be a strong-willed wife and mother on Chrisley Knows Best. However, this reality star is way stronger than you might think.

In 2012, two years before Chrisley Knows Best made its debut, Julie was diagnosed with breast cancer. She decided to undergo a double mastectomy to fight the cancer — undoubtedly a scary experience for the entire Chrisley family. However, things could have been much worse for Julie. After all, according to an interview with The Tennessean, the reality star almost didn't get tested for breast cancer. 

As she explained, her husband pushed her to get a mammogram after two of their friends were diagnosed with cancer. "I did it to appease him so he would shut up and leave me alone," Julie told the publication. After a biopsy revealed breast cancer, Julie's oncologist recommended a lumpectomy. However, Julie opted for a double mastectomy, citing research showing lower recurrence rates. "I had a 6-year-old. I had to do whatever I had to do to be around for my kids," she told The Tennessean

Julie Chrisley knows her husband is eccentric

Julie Chrisley knows her husband is an acquired taste for some. However, for Julie, Todd Chrisley's antics are just a standard part of her day-to-day life. 

As fans of the show most definitely know, the defining characteristic of Chrisley Knows Best is Todd Chrisley's attitude. Whether he's disciplining his children, driving, or simply eating dinner, Todd always has something to say — and he doesn't mince words. And while Todd's over-the-top personality may make some people clutch their pearls, Julie is used to her husband's eccentric ways. In fact, she seems to enjoy them.

"The best thing about being the wife of Todd Chrisley is there's never a dull moment," Julie explained in a behind-the-scenes take from Chrisley Knows Best. "Todd does something crazy all the time," she continued, adding, "[I've] just become so used to it that I don't even think about it." Fortunately, Julie has proven herself able to match Todd's signature attitude and sass, often outwitting her husband at a moment's notice. 

Julie Chrisley has undergone quite the transformation

Julie Chrisley has certainly captured the hearts of fans all across the world with her no-nonsense attitude and caring nature, but it took her a while for her to fall in love with herself and the way she looks. 

There's no doubt that Julie's relationship with her body has certainly been complicated. In one Season 6 episode of Chrisley Knows Best, she even took offense at Todd buying her a "sexy dress," eventually revealing her insecurity about her weight. "I am not where I want to be with my weight, and I'm fighting an uphill battle," Julie told her husband, explaining why the purchase upset her.

However, during a 2018 interview with People, the Chrisley Knows Best star revealed that she had recently lost 20 pounds — telling the publication she'd never felt better. "If we're being completely honest, everyone can say it's not about the weight per se, or how you look, but I'm a 45-year-old woman," Julie explained. She continued, saying, "Dropping some weight makes me feel better about myself because I know that I look better, and I'm being more healthy. It's just good all the way around." 

Julie Chrisley has dealt with plenty of legal drama

Julie Chrisley might seem to have a perfect life on Chrisley Knows Best, but offscreen, the star has found herself in a reality TV scandal we didn't see coming.

As reported by the Associated Press, despite living in Nashville, Tennessee, both Julie and her husband were indicted by the state of Georgia on tax evasion charges in August 2019. Todd Chrisley has long been rumored to live a double life  — however, in an Instagram post, he promised fans he and Julie were innocent of any legal wrongdoing, writing, "Not only do we know we've done nothing wrong, but we've got a ton of hard evidence and a bunch of corroborating witnesses that proves it."

Of course, the Chrisleys are no strangers to being in the public eye, but this spotlight was particularly harsh. Fortunately, the state of Georgia dropped the charges against Todd and Julie in October 2019, after the couple agreed to pay a whopping $147,944.75 to have the case resolved. "Julie and I knew all along that we had done nothing wrong and that when the facts all came out, we would be fine," Todd Chrisley told E! News.

Julie Chrisley wants her kids to stay humble

Julie Chrisley might be a famous reality star, but it's clear her top priority is family — not fame. 

For Julie, the fame and recognition her family has gained since the 2014 debut of Chrisley Knows Best means nothing if her kids don't remain humble through it all. In an interview with Style Blueprint, Julie revealed that she and Todd have always tried to teach their kids to stay down to earth. "Keeping the children grounded is probably one of the hardest jobs that Todd and I have, to try and instill in our children," the reality TV mom revealed. According to Julie, she feels it's her family's responsibility to use their platform for the greater good, telling Style Blueprint, "We have always told our children that this show will not last forever and that it is our job to take this blessing and pay it forward." 

In a behind-the-scenes clip from Chrisley Knows Best, Julie noted the show had "brought the family closer," despite the craziness surrounding the fame they've achieved. Considering this, it certainly seems Julie and Todd's efforts to keep their children grounded have paid off. 

Julie Chrisley is quite the chef

Julie Chrisley is best known to fans of Chrisley Knows Best as Todd Chrisley's no nonsense, quick-witted wife. However, Julie is much more talented than the half-hour reality show would have you believe — especially in the kitchen.

Apparently, Julie's delicious dishes prompted the USA Network to actually give the reality star her own online cooking show, aptly titled What's Cooking With Julie Chrisley. Each episode of What's Cooking with Julie Chrisley features the Chrisley matriarch whipping up some of her favorite recipes alongside a special guest — usually a member of her famous family — and, of course, dishing special behind-the-scenes details. 

In a Season 2 episode of the cooking show, Julie shared her banana pudding recipe, with Todd telling viewers about a banana pudding she made at the beginning of their relationship that turned out to be pretty lackluster. Fortunately for Todd, however, Julie decided to start using his mother's banana pudding recipe, which was much more of a crowd-pleaser. "I would never stay in a marriage where the banana pudding wasn't amazing," Todd said, to which Julie sarcastically replied, "Oh, so he was going to divorce me over banana pudding."

Julie Chrisley lets her faith lead the way

Julie Chrisley is a woman of fame; however, more importantly to the reality TV star, she's a woman of faith.

As the Chrisley family hails from the Bible Belt, it's not surprising that Julie and Todd Chrisley (as well as their children) are a faith-focused bunch. Julie certainly leans on her faith quite a bit — something she doesn't shy away from showing. On her Instagram page, Julie often shares bible verses and quotes about faith with her followers. In March 2019, for example, Julie took to Instagram to post an image that read, "Never give up. God works in mysterious ways." Julie agreed with the sentiment in her caption, writing, "So true! God doesn't promise it will always be easy but he does say he won't ever leave us!"

Julie tries to set a faith-based example for her family, as well. In Season 5 of Chrisley Knows Best, fans watched as Julie tried to teach the younger members of the Chrisley family the "true meaning" of Christmas. "It's Jesus' birthday," Julie told the kids, explaining they needed to be more appreciative for all their family had been blessed with. 

Julie Chrisley has tried her hand at this interesting form of exercise

Julie Chrisley might be the more grounded person in her marriage, as Todd Chrisley is known for his over-the-top antics. However, Julie is still full of surprises — even to those who know her best.

As part of her goal to attain a body weight at which she feels comfortable and healthy, Julie has tried many different forms of exercise. And as her family learned in a hilarious Season 1 episode of Chrisley Knows Best, she once signed up for a risqué workout class. "I took a dance class," Julie revealed to her family as they ate dinner in the Season 1 episode, before coyly admitting the whole truth: "It was a pole dancing class." Unsurprisingly, her family protested her pole dancing exercise adventure. Still, Julie held her ground during the awkward, confusing reality TV moment, insisting, "Women do it as an exercise!"  

Julie might have taken a pole dancing class, but as she told People, she also enjoys more traditional forms of exercise, like pilates and walking. One thing's for sure: Her family almost certainly prefers pilates over pole dancing.

Julie Chrisley misses the days when her family wasn't famous

Julie Chrisley is a household name among certain TV fans today, but the reality star often finds herself longing for the days in which her life wasn't broadcast as entertainment for others. 

Since Chrisley Knows Best has become so popular, giving birth to spinoff shows and plenty of drama — some might think Julie would have grown to love being well-known, famous reality TV figure. However, Julie has admitted that she misses the life she had before her eccentric family took the nation by storm. In an interview with Style Blueprint, Julie explained that she was initially shocked to hear that people wanted to watch a reality show about her life. "When my family was being considered for a reality TV show I first thought, 'My life, a comedy? Well, if you say so,'" she explained. 

However, as Chrisley Knows Best gained traction, Julie started getting noticed more and more — something she still doesn't always enjoy. "The hardest thing to adjust to is the loss of anonymity," Julie admitted to Style Blueprint. Added the star, "[There's] no more going to the grocery without makeup!" 

Julie Chrisley struggled to adjust when her kids left the nest

Julie Chrisley definitely loves her life as a mom.

Not only has the reality star raised three children she shares with Todd Chrisley — Savannah, Chase, and Grayson Chrisley — Julie has taken Chloe, the daughter of her stepson, Kyle, under her wing. According to People, the Chrisleys have full custody of young Chloe, and it's clear that Julie loves being a mother figure for her. In fact, Julie loves being a mom so much that having her kids spread their wings and leave the nest really took a toll on the reality star.

In an interview with People about Season 3 of Chrisley Knows Best, the supermom explained how hard it was when Savannah and Chase left home for college. "It's going to be a rough summer just getting to that place and not just for us, but for Grayson and Chloe as well," Julie revealed, adding that the youngest Chrisleys had become especially fond of Savannah, who's experienced a stunning transformation since the debut of Chrisley Knows Best. "It's going to be an adjustment for all of us," Julie said. 

Julie Chrisley has experienced significant loss

Fans of Julie Chrisley and her funny family might be shocked to hear about the reality TV matriarch's tragic past.

Chrisley Knows Best viewers are used to seeing Julie happy, joking, and smiling most of the time, even when husband Todd Chrisley is being his usual, eccentric self. But Julie's past reveals this Southern belle has experienced quite a bit of loss and tragedy throughout her life.

In 2017, Julie appeared on an episode of Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry, in which Henry did a reading for both Todd and Julie. One of the moments that left Julie was tears was when Henry seemingly connected with her late brother, telling Julie her brother acknowledged that his passing had been particularly hard on their father. "People that have met my dad after my brother passed, I'm like, 'But you don't know him before. He was so different before,'" Julie tearfully revealed in the episode. She continued, saying, "So, to hear Tyler say that when [my] brother died, he did, too  ... there's so much truth to that." Added Julie, "I'm very grateful for that." 
