The Real Reason Marie Osmond's Kids Aren't Getting Her Money

Marie Osmond may have grown up famous and wealthy, but she knows the true value of money and wants to ensure her children do too. The mother of seven is very strict about what she's going to leave behind for her kids, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

As the only daughter in a celebrity family of nine, Osmond knows exactly what it's like to grow up in the public eye with everything at her fingertips. The singer and TV personality simply wants to ensure her children value money a little better than maybe she did. If that means not sharing her massive fortune, so be it.

Marie Osmond is leaving all of her money to charity

Osmond revealed during a chat on The Talk that her seven kids shouldn't expect a big windfall when she passes on. "I'm not leaving any money to my children," the TV host stated simply, adding, "Congratulations, kids," and throwing a cheeky smile to the camera. As the proud Utah native sees it, setting her children up for life would be doing them a massive disservice because, by doing so, she said, "You take away the one most important gift you can give your children, and that's the ability to work."

The Donny & Marie star plans to donate her fortune to charity, as she sees an inherent danger with handing it over to her children. "You see it a lot in rich families, where the kids, they just don't know what to do and so they get in trouble," the singer and host explained. Co-host Sheryl Underwood disagreed with Osmond's stance, arguing kids who grow up with money learn to value it early on. Osmond is worth around $20 million, so it's quite a substantial amount that will inevitably go to worthy causes.

Marie Osmond knows the true meaning of hard work

Osmond had eight children total — one biological son, Stephen, with husband Stephen Craig, whom she remarried in 2011 after first marrying and divorcing him in her 20s; a biological son and daughter with second husband Brian Blosil; and five adopted children. Her son Michael tragically took his own life in 2010.

The Talk co-host believes everything happens for a reason, telling People emphatically, "Nothing is an accident." After struggling as a single mother, following the birth of her son and initial dissolution of her relationship with Craig, Osmond learned the true value of hard work upon realizing she had to get back into showbiz in order to feed her baby and herself.

It took hand-sewing sequins onto potential stage looks from the Limited Express but soon Osmond was riding high on the country music charts and enjoying a career renaissance. Her show with brother Donny, Donny & Marie, wrapped for the final time in Las Vegas after 11 years in fall 2019, ensuring nobody was in any doubt of her star power.
