The Reason Princess Charlotte And Prince George Can't Have Best Friends

Where did the time go? Princes Charlotte and Prince George, the future king, are both in school now. While they're no doubt having the time of their lives and are forming long-lasting friendships, there is one typical childhood experience they won't have: making a best friend.

While the rule against having best friends seems like something the royal family might come up with in an effort to avoid showing favoritism, this isn't actually one of the restrictions the royals have issued (although there are definitely plenty of those). Instead, the mandate to not have a best friend comes from their school, Thomas's Battersea.

Princess Charlotte and Prince George are encouraged to befriend everyone

While Princess Charlotte and Prince George are encouraged to have friends, their school is making a major effort to keep any kids from feeling left out. "It's a really great little school actually for the reasons I think that it really focuses on kindness, it's a really big thing in that school and the pastoral care is amazing," said journalist Jane Moore on Loose Women (via the Mirror). "There's a policy that if your child is having a party, unless every child in the class is invited you don't give out the invites in class, which I think is quite a good thing as you don't feel excluded."

She added that this is the drive behind not letting students at the school have best friends. "There are signs everywhere saying be kind, that's the ethos of the school. They don't encourage you to have best friends."

With or without a best friend, it looks like Princess Charlotte and Prince George are getting an excellent education at their school. The outlet reported that, along with traditional subjects, the young royals are also taught ballet, French, and ICT. It sounds like they'll leave the school with a well-rounded education and a healthy social network.
