RHONY's Ramona Singer Opens Up About Her Lyme Disease Diagnosis

Real Housewife of New York Ramona Singer revealed on Wednesday that she had been diagnosed with Lyme disease. Her reveal came in an Instagram story thanking costar Dorinda Medley. "I was diagnosed, everyone, with Lyme disease today and Dorinda swears by this to help with my immunity. So, this will be on my way to a faster recovery." By "this" Singer is referring to a recommendation on supplements said to ease her symptoms, according to ET. Singer was diagnosed through a blood test and goes on to tell her fans, "If you are in the tri-state area, you need to always get tested. Don't take anything for granted."  

The Mayo Clinic explains that Lyme disease is caused by the bite of an infected deer tick. Similar to a mosquito bite, deer ticks are common across wooded and wild areas in North America and often the bite itself may go unnoticed. 

Lyme disease symptoms are decidedly unpleasant

Lyme disease sufferers can experience many different symptoms both short and long term — and none of them are pleasant. The CDC describes early symptoms of Lyme disease to include fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and a distinctive rash. Later symptoms of Lyme disease can be more severe, and people may experience severe headaches and neck stiffness, facial palsy (minor paralysis), intermittent to severe pain in tendons, muscles, joints, and bones, heart palpitations, dizziness, and nerve pain. Many of the more severe symptoms won't even show up for months. This illness definitely means business.

The RHONY star confirmed to ET that she had been feeling sick, but was first diagnosed with a sinus infection and prescribed antibiotics. However, the symptoms quickly returned. "My head was hurting, I was having trouble concentrating, I was feeling tired and I'm never tired!" she said.

Fortunately, Singer was diagnosed in the early stages. "You must get tested once a year, especially if you're in an area where there are deer," she reminds everyone at E! News. "But, we caught it early and I'm very lucky and very blessed." We wish her nothing but the best while she recovers. 
