How Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Really Feel About Their Royal Transition

Since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their decision to step back from their duties as senior royals, things have been messy — and that's putting it mildly. It's safe to say that Megxit, as the event has come to be known, isn't going as smoothly as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had hoped it would.

"Over the last month and a half, The Duke and Duchess have remained actively involved in this process, which has understandably been saddening for The Duke and Duchess and their loyal staff, given the closeness of Their Royal Highnesses and their dedicated team," said a spokesperson for the couple in a statement on the couple's website.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will not be able to use the word 'royal' in their branding

The couple are also disappointed by the derailment of their plans to trademark their Sussex Royal brand as they aren't being allowed to use the word "royal" in their branding since they are no longer working royals. Their website expressed their frustration with this decision. "While there is not any jurisdiction by The Monarchy or Cabinet Office over the use of the word 'Royal' overseas, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex do not intend to use 'Sussex Royal' or any iteration of the word 'Royal' in any territory (either within the UK or otherwise) when the transition occurs Spring 2020," reads the site.

The couple also announced that, instead of launching a foundation as they had previously planned to do under the Sussex Royal brand (something that was slammed by the press), they will be launching a non-profit "to develop a new way to effect change and complement the efforts made by so many excellent foundations globally."

Queen Elizabeth is reportedly upset about Megxit

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex aren't the only ones who are upset with what's going on with Megxit. Queen Elizabeth is reportedly ready for the whole ordeal to be over with.

"She generally doesn't want to talk about it," a source told Vanity Fair. "The Queen has been keen to get this resolved because she sees it is damaging to the monarchy and on a personal level I think this has been rather hurtful for her. She has got to the point where she doesn't want to think about it anymore, she just wants it over and done with."
