Everything We Know About Princess Beatrice's Royal Wedding

A lot of the news coming out about the royal family over these last few months has been kind of a downer. First there was Prince Andrew stepping back from his royal duties due to continuing fallout from his friendship with disgraced financier Jeffrey Epsein (via BBC News), then there was all the controversy surrounding Megxit, and finally the announcement that the popular TV drama The Crown would be winding up sooner than planned — and with Dolores Umbridge in the role of HRH, no less! Finally, though, we have some happy news out of Buckingham Palace — there's another royal wedding on the horizon.

Okay, so Princess Beatrice is only 9th in line to the throne, behind baby Archie and her own disgraced dad, and she is technically not a "working royal" as she does not make appearances on behalf of the crown, but she is still a princess, and for us Yanks, that's all that really matters.

When and where Princess Beatrice's wedding will take place

The official website of the royal family announced that Princess Beatrice and her fiancé, Italian property tycoon Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, will be married on Friday, May 29, 2020. Just three-and-a-half more months to perfect your scone and crumpet baking for an epic royal wedding watching party (even if you have to get up at oh-dark-thirty to watch, due to that darn UK time zone).

The wedding will be held at St. James Palace's Chapel Royal, which has been the setting for many royal weddings in the past, including those of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1840, and the future King George V and Queen Mary in 1893. After the wedding ceremony, there will be a private reception (you weren't really expecting an invite, were you?) in the gardens of Buckingham Palace.

Who will be in attendance at Princess Beatrice's wedding?

As far as can be determined, all of the usual suspects will be there, assuming they are all still alive in three month's time (never a given, as some of the senior royals are very senior, indeed). The Cut reveals, though, that despite Prince Andrew's having largely stepped back from public life as well as from his royal duties, he will nevertheless play a prominent role in his eldest daughter's wedding. In fact, one unnamed source predicted that he'll definitely walk Princess Beatrice down the aisle, claiming that "[s]he's his greatest supporter."

All the details have not yet been determined as to what Beatrice will be wearing, where the couple plan to honeymoon, or whether baby Archie is going to be an itty-bitty ring bearer, but stay tuned, we'll fill you in as soon as we find out. As publishers Mills & Boon (Britain's answer to Harlequin Romance) tweeted, "We can't resist a royal wedding!"
