Here's What You Can Substitute For Concealer

For many, concealer is a beauty bag must-have. One of the best products for hiding imperfections, there are endless brands and shades available, at a variety of prices, meaning there's something for everyone no matter your budget. But what do you do when you've run out of concealer and don't have a backup? Worse still, when you're traveling and accidentally leave it home? You find an alternative, of course.

Just like when you're purchasing a concealer, when you're looking for a suitable substitute it's important to consider what exactly it is that you want to cover up. "When it comes to acne scars and deep pores, I found that a pale, peachy/pink lipliner slightly lighter than your own skin color can literally erase a scar or a deep pore," makeup artist Matthew Vanleeuwen told Refinery29. "Make sure the pencil is well-sharpened and apply the color into the deep pore or scar. The liner helps fill the hole while the peachy/pink cancels the darkness of the shadow," he added.

Use ice instead of concealer to remove redness

If it's just a pimple or two that you're trying to hide, makeup artist Deanna Melluso believes a touch of cortisone should do the trick. "This way you'll dry it out and shrink it a bit before starting the face," she explained to Refinery29. If you don't have any the house, opt for ice. "If you wrap it in a tissue it will shrink down the blemish with the extreme cold, so you can conceal it with foundation afterwards," Melluso advised. (Run out of foundation? Don't worry — we've got you covered with substitutes for that, too.)

Instagram star Ellarie, on the other hand, simply uses a Q-tip, no concealer necessary. "Whenever I feel a pimple coming or I have a large one, I put a Q-Tip under really hot water then press it right on the bump. It usually prevents a new pimple from forming if I catch it in time, or it will shrink it down, no product needed!" she revealed to Refinery29.
