The Truth About Airbrush Makeup

According to cosmetics brand Temptu, airbrush makeup is the secret behind all your favorite celebrities' onscreen skin. Similar to a spray tan in that it sprays foundation directly onto skin using an air compressor, it can be applied within minutes without the need for a brush, contouring, or blending, and promises a lightweight, flawless finish. 

Speaking to Refinery29, Hannah Brown's makeup artist Gina Modica explained, "When I use airbrushing on her, she loves how it looks and feels and how lightly and easily you're able to apply it. The foundation easily lays down over problem areas if there are any; it just gives a beautiful, finished look." 

But is airbrush makeup too good to be true?

Airbrush makeup should always be applied by a professional

Popular for weddings, most makeup artists match the airbrush shade to your skin like you would regular foundation, then build up the coverage as they go to achieve your desired look. "It can be a sheer wash of color to full coverage," said makeup artist Holly Gowers. "If done properly, it should look super natural and flawless."

However, when it comes to airbrush makeup, less is more, and makeup artist Katie Jane Hughes warns it must always be done by an experienced professional rather than at home. Also, it's vital to make sure your makeup artist has experience with the process. "It won't be ideal if a makeup artist has a heavy hand and applies too much product," Hughes said. "Airbrush makeup can look heavier, which is more about the lack of control. It can hinder how life-like the foundation looks and look like a mask." 

Airbrush makeup is made with a variety of different formulas

It's also important to be aware that certain airbrush formulas will work better on certain skin types than others. "There are many bases for airbrush, including water, silicone, and oil," explained Gowers. For example, "If someone is on the dry side, I recommend silicone or oil formulas," she advised. 

Don't be afraid to speak with your makeup artist to determine what formula will work best for you, and if you're having airbrush makeup applied for a special occasion such as a wedding, always be sure to do a trial first — you won't regret it.
