The Real Reason We Never See Meghan Markle In A Tiara

When we think of royalty, we often picture them wearing crowns like they're in a fairy tale. In real life, though, crowns and tiaras aren't exactly everyday wear. Meghan Markle, in fact, hasn't even been seen in a tiara since she married Prince Harry (and boy, did that cost a pretty penny).

What gives? Kate Middleton and Queen Elizabeth have often been seen wearing the royal accessory. Why hasn't Markle been adorning her head with royal jewels?

Former royal butler Grant Harrold, a director at the Royal School of Etiquette, explained who gets to wear a tiara to Insider. "Traditionally, tiaras are a sign of marriage," he said. "So typically they could be worn by a bride on her wedding day, or after she is married, she can wear one to any white tie event. Single ladies don't typically wear tiaras, unless they are born into the Royal Family as a princess."

As someone who married into the royal family, Markle is certainly entitled to wear a tiara. So why doesn't she?

Markle simply hasn't had a good opportunity to wear a tiara yet

In another Insider piece, royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams explained why Markle hasn't been spotted wearing a tiara since her wedding day. The answer is actually pretty straightforward: She simply hasn't had the opportunity. "Tiaras are worn by royals at weddings, state banquets, and other white-tie events," said Fitzwilliams.

Markle hasn't been to an event that would be formal enough to demand a tiara, and wearing tiaras to more laid-back events is frowned upon by the royal family as the accessory would be seen as "too extravagant."

While we haven't seen Markle in a tiara in a while, it's only a matter of time until she dons one. "She will undoubtedly wear them at appropriate future events though obviously this will depend on the duties she and Harry decide they want to undertake as senior royals," said Fitzwilliams.
