What Karlie Kloss Really Eats In A Day

Karlie Kloss is more than just a pretty face. The American supermodel is also a successful entrepreneur, an enthusiastic student, and an advocate for women and girls in STEM fields. She's also one of the hosts of Project Runway alongside Brandon Maxwell and Christian Siriano, as noted by Vogue. And, of course, Kloss is a successful social media star on top of everything else, with millions of devoted Instagram followers and an active YouTube channel — talk about savvy!

But all of those accomplishments aside, our girl does have quite the rocking bod, slender and tall with some seriously long legs. Clearly Kloss has a killer fitness regimen, as abs like hers aren't spotted every day.

In addition to adhering to an intense workout schedule, Kloss, who is one of the richest Victoria's Secret supermodels, also makes sure to eat a diet that helps her maintain her killer figure, which definitely takes some discipline. Curious about what she noshes on? Wondering what foods she refuses to go near? Read on to discover what Karlie Kloss typically eats in a day.

Karlie Kloss used to live on Snickers bars

When Karlie Kloss broke into the modeling world, she was pretty young. By age 17, Vogue Paris named her as one of the top 30 models of the 2000s. But Kloss herself admits that at the time she had no idea how she should be eating. "When I first started modeling, I ate Snickers bars for breakfast, lunch, and dinner," she revealed in an interview with Byrdie. "I didn't know about nutrition, or really, I always just had a super-fast metabolism." Clearly! That's quite the unhealthy diet.

That lifestyle didn't last for very long, however, as eventually Kloss had to adjust her diet to accommodate her changing body. "But also, because my body was maturing and growing up, I had to learn how to eat a more balanced diet," she continued. "And I really learned and got excited about baking and cooking with healthy ingredients, fresh ingredients ... and learning what it means to actually eat clean."

Karlie Kloss is all about veggies and lean protein

Once Karlie Kloss decided she needed to learn more about nutrition, an entirely new set of foods became her regular go-to meals. So what will you find on her menu that's now in regular rotation? "I love eating fresh fruit, vegetables, and clean protein, like a fresh piece of fish, cod or salmon with some vegetables on the side," the former Victoria's Secret model shared in an interview with Vogue. "I enjoy trying out new sauces and spices to add extra flavor." That's definitely a step up from eating candy for every meal!

Additionally, after Kloss implemented those significant changes, she found that it made a huge difference in her life. "In doing so, I not only feel better in my body and more confident in my body, but I also have so much more energy," she explained in an interview with Byrdie. "That has been a whole other education." Isn't it incredible just how much your diet can impact your health and wellness?

This is what Karlie Kloss makes for breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so goes the old adage. That's something that Karlie Kloss is here for, as she's a huge fan of the morning meal. "I'm all about breakfast, it's my favorite meal of the day," she shared in an interview with Bon Appétit. "Mainly because there's so many yummy sweet options like cereals, yogurts, pancakes, and crepes. Egg whites are also a staple for me – they're a great source of protein and I can always have them no matter where in the world I'm working." She added that she likes to cover her omelet in lots of hot sauce for an extra kick.

Even if Kloss is in a rush in the morning, she makes sure to at least grab a hot beverage. "There's a little coffee shop near my house in the West Village, Mojo Coffee, that I love," she continued. "So even when I'm running out the door on my way to work I always make time to stop at this little coffee shop on the corner because they make a mean almond milk cappuccino, and it's not easy to do."

When she dines out, this is what Karlie Kloss orders for breakfast

When Karlie Kloss is able to dine out for her favorite meal rather than cook it at home, she has a default restaurant that does breakfast exactly as she likes it. "I love having breakfast at the Butcher's Daughter in Manhattan. They have loads of delicious and nutritious options," she explained in an interview with Vogue. "My favorite is the AB & J, it's a delicious combination of home-made raw almond butter, sliced bananas and raw honey on toasted grain bread, or their smashed avocado toast." That sounds delicious! Plus, avocado toast is one of the best high-protein breakfasts you can have!

Of course, if Kloss is traveling — something she does a lot for work — she gets to have breakfast at a host of locations all over the world. "I had the most delicious chocolate croissant from this famous Parisian bakery called Angelina's," she gushed in an interview with Bon Appétit. "I like to have fruit in the morning, too, and in Italy, they had the most delicious mangoes, even apples, grapes." How lucky is she?

When Karlie Kloss is running late, she has a morning smoothie for breakfast

By nature of her profession, Karlie Kloss' daily routine is different from one day to the next. "Today I had an easy day, I got to sleep in," she shared in an interview with Bon Appétit. "But if I have to work at 7 a.m., I wake up at 6:15, jump in the shower, throw on some clothes, grab a shake, and run out the door." 

Kloss doesn't mess around with her morning shakes on those busy days either, as she makes sure it's jam-packed full of everything she needs to start her day. "I'm like a mad scientist in the morning, scooping out a teaspoon of this, a half teaspoon of that," she revealed in an interview with Vogue. "I feel like drinking coffee first thing in the morning is very acidic – I like to have something filling that lets you take a dose of your medicine." That certainly will last longer than the kick from coffee, too. 

It's important for Karlie Kloss to stay hydrated

In addition to making sure her diet is healthy and nutritious, Karlie Kloss is a stickler when it comes to staying hydrated. "I'm big on drinking lots of water," she explained in an interview with Byrdie. "I don't drink coffee after 3 p.m. because I really try and sleep." Given how busy Kloss is with both modeling and her other exploits, that can't always be easy. But judging by how incredible Kloss' skin looks, it's pretty clear that she manages to get it done.

Perhaps one reason Kloss has her water game on lock is because one of her close family members makes sure to remind her about the most essential components of proper self-care. "I feel like my mom harping on a balanced diet and sleep and water – it's so true," she continued. "The answers are actually so easy, but it's more just the self-discipline of sticking to them." Absolutely no lies detected, Karlie!

This is what Karlie Kloss has for lunch

When it comes to her mid-day meal, Karlie Kloss has a favorite combination that helps her power through the noon hour. "My perfect lunch would be a delicious smoothie with a salad," she shared in an interview with Vogue. "I like to keep it light at lunchtime because I prefer having a big hearty breakfast and I am always snacking throughout the day." That's a good way to make sure she gets fresh greens at least once a day, too.

Given that Kloss is likely to be out and about during the day much of the time, she has some go-to places that she can always count on to deliver the goods. "I love to get a take-away from this delicious macrobiotic restaurant named Souen in New York," she continued. "And when I'm in Paris, I go to Bob's Kitchen."

Sometimes Kloss will change it up, opting for a flatbread with hummus, veggies, and avocados, according to a post on her Instagram page. What a tasty combination!

What are Karlie Kloss' favorite snacks?

Karlie Kloss isn't shy about her love of eating in between meals, despite the fact that she's a slender supermodel. Rather, she relies on healthy snacks to get her through her busy days, and she always has something in her purse. "For snacks, I always carry almonds, apples, and an oatmeal pack," she explained in an interview with StyleCaster. "And I also love anything with dark chocolate." Those are some good choices — and who doesn't love dark chocolate?

In addition to carbs and nuts, Kloss likes to have some fresh snacks on her as well, such as a piece of fruit or a dairy option. "I also keep an apple, banana, or yogurt on me for when I'm on the go," she revealed in an interview with Vogue. "Right now I love this yogurt called love Siggi's, it's an Icelandic-style yogurt filled with protein."

Kloss is also obsessed with avocados, almond butter, and kale chips, so those might show up in her snack rotation as well.

Karlie Kloss launched her own cookie line

Interestingly enough, Karlie Kloss never thought she'd go into the modeling industry as a career. Rather, she saw herself going into the sciences, or perhaps even into the business world. "Long before I really understood fashion, I always had a knack for business and was excited by the idea of being an entrepreneur," she revealed in an interview with CEO Magazine. "Honestly, I never owned a pair of heels until I became a model." She also recalls going to Target to buy a pair of heels to learn to walk in properly on the runway. Who would have guessed?

To that end, when Kloss became a successful model, she decided to invest in her own company. "When I received my first modeling check, I went straight out and bought a KitchenAid," she continued. Sometime after that, she started Karlie's Kookies, a vegan and gluten-free line of cookies that, of course, she loves to snack on. "I never leave my house without one of my Karlie's Kookies," she confessed in an interview with Vogue. "It's the perfect snack and I could never get sick of them."

Karlie Kloss doesn't eat this type of food

Despite the fact that Karlie Kloss is super healthy these days, she used to be a junk food eater, thanks in part to her Midwestern roots. But now that she's made the transition to what she calls "clean eating," she's never going back to that sugar-happy lifestyle. "I stopped eating Goldfish and Oreos and started eating kale salads and avocado toast," she explained in an interview with Self. "It changed my energy. I realized, OK, how I eat affects how I feel." 

Additionally, there's another food you won't ever find on Kloss' menu, even though it's wildly popular in her native St. Louis, Mo. "I'm a vegetarian, so I try to take care of my body and get enough protein even though I don't eat meat," she revealed in an interview with Harper's Bazaar. So that means no cows or pigs for Kloss, even though she does happily eat fish on a regular basis (via Byrdie).

This food helps Karlie Kloss feel sane

With such a busy life and hectic schedule, Karlie Kloss has to find ways to keep herself grounded and calm. To that end, there's a specific kind of food that she looks to when she needs to stay sane. "I love fresh papaya with sea salt and lime, or watermelon. It would have to be something refreshing," she shared in an interview with Elle. "It's not super indulgent, I know, but I could eat that for the rest of my life." 

And when it comes to foods that make her feel comfortable and at home, it's her mother's baking that provides that special feeling. "My mom makes the most amazing pumpkin loaf," she proclaimed in an interview with People. "My favorite Thanksgiving memories are waking up to the smell of that pumpkin loaf and sitting in my pajamas watching the Macy's Day Parade on TV." No wonder she's so fond of it!

This is what Karlie Kloss eats when she craves sugar

It's pretty evident that Karlie Kloss is all about keeping lean proteins and vegetables front and center on her menu. However, that's in spite of her own natural leanings, as she's a self-professed sugar devotee. "I have the sweetest tooth in the world," she admitted in an interview with Vogue. Apparently even supermodels love a good sugar rush!

However, given that sugar really isn't all that great for you and that there are ways to tell if you're addicted to sugar, Kloss makes sure to eat it only in moderation, instead opting for different food choices. "I'm being super-disciplined about trying to cut down on sugar," she explained in another interview with Vogue. "I've been trying to satisfy my sweet tooth in a more healthy, wholesome way." Sounds like Kloss now knows exactly what happens to your body when you cut out sugar.

Kloss swears by a smoothie that satisfies her sweet tooth but isn't a sugar bomb waiting to explode. She combines a variety of ingredients, including vegan chocolate protein, a tablespoon of almond butter, and a variety of Moon Juice projects in a blender, and presto! With this, the sugar beast inside Kloss is appeased.

What is Karlie Kloss' favorite cheat food?

Karlie Kloss really does love her diet, and she's not afraid to dish about it with all kinds of folks. "I really love healthy foods," she explained in an interview with People. "I eat really healthy because I feel better and I feel like I have better energy." Indeed, having a balanced diet really does make you function more efficiently, according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

But despite her commitment to eating a balanced diet, even Kloss likes to indulge that notorious sweet tooth when the mood strikes her. "On a cheat day though, I'm all about dark chocolate," she continued. "Dark chocolate, sea salts, throw a little caramel in there, it's heaven." It sounds like it, Karlie!

So how often does she indulge? "Every day is a cheat day. Every day I go to SoulCycle is a cheat day. Somehow it justifies it," she added. Given the amount of calories you can burn in a spin class, that's a pretty fair assessment!

Karlie Kloss eats to be strong, not skinny

It may sound totally crazy, but even Karlie Kloss had to learn how to love her body the way it naturally is. That's because she felt like she was freakishly tall when she was a youngster, which made her feel like an outsider. "I've had to grow into my own skin in a lot of ways," she recalled in an interview with Net-a-Porter. "There was a shift in my head where I was like, 'I don't want to be skinny. I want to be strong.' I feel better in my own skin when I am like that." 

Additionally, Kloss knows that the goal of her diet isn't to keep her slender, but to keep her healthy and able to live the life she wants to. "It's how I take care of my body, what I eat," she continued. "Not to an excessive point where I'm scared to gain a pound, but I have a long list of things that I want to accomplish and I need strength and energy to do that." Amen to that, Karlie!
