Kate Middleton Reveals What Her Children Like To Do At Home

Is it possible for the youngest generation of royals to get any cuter? Prince William and Kate Middleton have an adorable bunch, to be sure, and now that they're getting older they're showing their distinct personalities.

Take Princess Charlotte, for example. Her mom revealed at the Royal Variety Performance at the Palladium Theatre in London on November 18 that the little royal is already wild about the theater. Apparently Prince George is also into the theater, but Princess Charlotte is a full-on fan. It seems that the little princess even has a flair for performance herself. Middleton spoke to performers at the show and said that 6-year-old Prince George and 4-year-old Princess Charlotte love putting on shows.

"[Kate Middleton] said that her children love performing at home, particularly Charlotte," said one of the performers, Nuala Peberby (via Hello!). "She told us how lucky we were to be on stage in the West End and asked how we managed to do it with all our schoolwork. I can't tell you how exciting it was to meet them."

Middleton also told the performers that Princess Charlotte and Prince George are quite agile and love to practice acrobatics, especially handstands and cartwheels.

Princess Charlotte and Prince George aren't the only performers in the family

This isn't the first time that Princess Charlotte's star power has been noted. In October, a source told Us Weekly, "Charlotte's extremely confident and loves attention."

The source said that Prince George "is more reserved," but added that "he is starting to come out of his shell." Perhaps his love of performance is helping him build up confidence.

Princess Charlotte and Prince George may have inherited their flair for performance, as Middleton was a young actress herself, starring in a school production of My Fair Lady when she was 11 years old. Prince William's side of the family also has their share of theatrical talent. Princess Charlotte's great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, and her great-aunt, Princess Margaret, starred in pantomimes as young women. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte also love photography

Theater and acrobatics aren't the only ways that the young Prince George and Princess Charlotte are exhibiting what appears to be a prodigious talent for the arts. In June 2019, Kate Middleton, who is a talented amateur photographer, attended a photography workshop for children, providing some tips on how to get the perfect shot. She also revealed that her own kids share her love for taking pictures. 

"Just look at everything around you," said Middleton (via People). "Maybe it's in front of you, or far away but choose your subject and focus in on it. Get outside with your camera as well. George and Charlotte love it when we do that."

Middleton said that Princess Charlotte and Prince George also love posing for pictures as they play outside.

Princess Charlotte and Prince George share their grandmother's love of dance

Like their grandmother, Princess Diana, Prince George and Princess Charlotte are budding dancers. "George is doing dancing as well, he loves it," Prince William told a 14-year-old dancer named Junior at a Kensington Palace reception for inspirational teens in October 2018 (via People).

Prince William added, "My mother always used to dance, she loved dancing. And if it's something you love, you do what you love. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Keep at it."

A few months earlier, in March, Hello! reported that Prince William said that Princess Charlotte also loves to dance. 

Princess Charlotte is good at arts and crafts

In December 2018, Prince William and Kate Middleton visited Evelina London Children's Hospital to spend time with the young children there. During an arts and crafts session, Middleton revealed that Princess Charlotte loves creating things. "Charlotte would love making these," she said (via Hello!), as the royal couple made beaded bracelets with the kids. 

According to Prince William, that's one talent that Princess Charlotte definitely inherited from her mother. "My son knows I'm useless at this," he said while making a sign. "Catherine is the artsy one."

Prince George and Princess Charlotte already know how to ride horses

Queen Elizabeth is known for her love of horseback riding, and her great-grandchildren have inherited this talent as well. "William and Kate were keen to get George on a horse once he was walking confidently," a source told the Daily Mail in 2015, when George was 2. "George loved his first ride — he was led around a paddock on a rein and shrieked with delight. William and Kate were both there to watch."

In 2018, Natasha Baker, a Paralympian equestrian and triple-gold medalist, told The Mirror that Kate Middleton revealed Princess Charlotte also has a love of horses. "I asked her how the children were and she said Charlotte is really enjoying her riding which is great to hear and I said we may see her here on a line-up in 20 years time," said Baker. "She emphasized that Charlotte has this passion about horses and although she doesn't echo it, she'll do her best to champion and encourage it."

It sounds like Princess Charlotte and Prince George already have plenty of interesting hobbies to keep them busy.
