The Biggest Way Kate Middleton Has Honored Princess Diana

Any time Kate Middleton steps outside, fans of the royal family comb over her outfit to analyze every last detail. The duchess rarely disappoints with her fashion choices, and it seems every piece is a deliberate choice to assure she not only adheres to royal protocol but also radiates the elegance befitting her position in the family. 

However, there's often another element to Kate Middleton's looks for official outings: how to honor her late mother-in-law, Princess Diana. 

Anyone who knows anything about the royal family is aware she was gifted Diana's engagement ring when her husband, Prince William, proposed. Of the gesture, the BBC reported William said giving Diana's ring to Kate was "my way of making sure my mother didn't miss out on today and the excitement."

However, the sapphire stunner that has a permanent place on Kate's ring finger, while a constant reminder of Diana's importance, isn't the biggest way the duchess has honored her husband's mother. That claim goes to another (very obviously deliberate) fashion choice.

Kate Middleton's Lindo Wing debuts mirror Princess Diana's

The royal tradition of giving birth in the Lindo Wing of London's St. Mary's Hospital is relatively new. While modern fans of the royal family know that Princess Diana's post-birth debuts took place on the famous steps, the tradition was actually started by Queen Elizabeth's daughter, Princess Anne. Before she gave birth to her children in the hospital, royal mothers gave birth in palaces.

Pretty much everyone has seen the photos of Princess Diana on the steps in her iconic green polka dot dress with Prince William and the bold red frock with Prince Harry. Both of these looks were mirrored to a T when Kate gave birth to her own sons, George and Louis. 

In 2013, the new mom showed her son to the world wearing a baby blue polka dot dress strikingly similar to the dress Diana wore when William was born. Five years later, when Prince Louis was born, Kate took to the Lindo Wing steps wearing a bright red dress featuring a white collar that was almost an exact match to the dress Diana wore when Prince Harry was born.

Prince William's choice to give his wife Diana's engagement ring served as a tangible reminder of her presence in their lives. Kate's decision to honor Diana after giving birth to Diana's grandchildren takes that sentiment a step further, signifying she'll be present in her grandchildren's lives, too.
