The One Day A Year Queen Elizabeth Doesn't Do Her Own Makeup

Royals truly live in another world. Unlike those of us who weren't born with a title and a palatial home, they don't have to fend for themselves. They have a staff to do their laundry, clean up after them, and drive them around.

While royals may have access to luxury that most of us can only dream of, they don't necessarily take advantage of their station in life. You'd expect that Queen Elizabeth II would never have to lift a finger, but there are some things that this particular royal prefers to do for herself, as a new book recently revealed.

Queen Elizabeth does her own makeup

It turns out that the queen does her own makeup nearly every day. You might expect the royal to have a makeup artist on hand, but, as Angela Kelly revealed in her book The Other Side of the Coin: the Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe, there's only one day out of the year that Queen Elizabeth doesn't put on her own makeup: her yearly Christmas speech. 

"You might be surprised to know that this is the only occasion throughout the year when Her Majesty does not do her own makeup," Kelly wrote in her yet-to-be-released book (via Us Weekly). 

Kelly further revealed that Queen Elizabeth hires a professional makeup artist, Marilyn Widdess, to prepare her for the annual event.

How does Angela Kelly know Queen Elizabeth so well?

Just who is Angela Kelly and how does she know so much about Queen Elizabeth's daily routine? According to Town & Country, Angela Kelly has been the royal's Personal Assistant and Senior Dresser for the last twenty-five years. Queen Elizabeth herself granted Kelly permission to write a book about royal fashion and their time working together. 

"It gives a rare insight into the demands of the job of supporting the Monarch, and we gain privileged insight into a successful working relationship, characterized by humor, creativity, hard work, and a mutual commitment to service and duty," said the former assistant private secretary to Queen Elizabeth, Samantha Cohen, of the book. "Angela is a talented and inspiring woman, who has captured the highlights of her long career with The Queen for us all to share."
