Here's What Hillary And Chelsea Clinton Really Think Of Meghan Markle

During a recent Sunday Times interview (via E! News) to promote their new book, The Book of Gutsy WomenHillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea Clinton defended Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, saying she too is a gutsy woman, despite not being on their published list.

"I do want to say that the way she's been treated is inexplicable," the former Secretary of State said in regards to the criticism Markle has been receiving from British press.

"Well, I think if the explanation is that she's biracial, then shame on everybody," she added. "It's certainly part of it."

This isn't the first time a Clinton supported Markle

Hillary took to social media to express her support for Markle's new project the Smart Set capsule collection, a workwear line created in collaboration with Smart Works in September.

"I'm so inspired by how Meghan Markle — aka one half of @sussexroyal — is representing the U.S. in the U.K. and on the world stage," Hillary wrote. "Meghan's new project: Helping @SmartWorksCharity equip women who have been out of the workforce with the office essentials they need to feel confident in job interviews and beyond. The ability to earn their own paycheck is a key part of women's economic, social, and cultural equality, and it can all start with some smart suits."

Chelsea Clinton says she is grateful for Meghan Markle

During the Sunday Times interview, Hillary expressed how she is a huge Markle fan, with daughter Chelsea adding that she felt Meghan's advocacy continuing through her time as a royal as well as her former role in Suits could also be a reason as to why she receives negative press.

"It's because she proudly had a career first and has a voice that she thankfully continues to use. Anyone who has the temerity to break the mold of what has previously been established and expected often, unfortunately, receives criticism and bile that I don't understand. We've seen this pattern repeatedly," Chelsea said.

"I don't know her, but as someone who respects her, I'm so grateful that she persists, and is unbowed, and is doing work she feels called to do. And also isn't willing to be bullied."
