Body Language Expert Tells Us Jill Biden Might 'Explode' From Putting Joe's Needs First

President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden's rock-solid relationship may be getting shaky as he ages. In a National Democratic Convention clip, Jill shared that their love story started in 1975 when one of Joe's brothers encouraged him to get in touch with her. While speaking to Vogue in 2016, Jill admitted that she didn't experience love at first sight when she met Joe. In fact, the first lady confessed that she couldn't see their relationship going the distance because the then-senator was nearly a decade her senior. Joe had to ask her to spend the rest of her life with him five times before Jill finally accepted. 

She kept putting off his proposal because Jill wanted to ensure that their relationship was right, so that Joe's kids from his previous marriage, Beau and Hunter Biden, wouldn't have to bear the brunt of a divorce. The happy couple tied the knot in 1977 and grew increasingly stronger as a unit over the years. In fact, Joe and Jill's marriage managed to smoothly cruise through the intense public scrutiny that came with his presidency. 

However, as Joe gets older, the shift in their relationship dynamics has become obvious, with Jill taking on a more vigilant, protective role largely because of their significant age gap. When Women Lifestyle asked body language expert and celebrity love coach Nicole Moore for her thoughts on the Bidens' evolving marriage, she exclusively told us that there were several signs that Jill may be growing intensely weary from her new responsibilities.

Jill Biden may feel embarrassed of Joe Biden

In August 2022, The Sun shared a YouTube video of Jill Biden helping her husband, Joe Biden, get into a jacket because he couldn't do it independently. After viewing the footage, body language expert Nicole Moore exclusively informed Women Lifestyle that the first lady showcased a laidback demeanor and only reached out to help her husband when he requested it. However, Moore pointed out that Jill quickly dissolved into embarrassment. "As Jill helps Joe with his jacket, she smiles, then almost grimaces and she moves her hands quickly to help him with his jacket and then walks away very quickly, almost as if she's embarrassed," the celebrity love coach explained. Ultimately, she believes that the clip demonstrated that while Jill wanted to keep the public's perception of her husband intact, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of shame from having to look after him.

Moore witnessed Jill feeling similarly embarrassed in another YouTube clip of her reminding the president to wave after delivering his first White House Easter Egg Roll speech. The body language expert and celebrity love coach noticed that the dutiful first lady had to keep a watchful eye on her hubby to ensure he wasn't messing up. Naturally, she wasn't pleased when Joe erred as Jill seemingly anticipated he would. As Moore noted, "When Jill waves and then reminds Joe to wave too, she smiles, grimaces and then takes a big step back, her body language here demonstrating that she's embarrassed and she literally wants to step away from Joe's faux pas."

Jill Biden has to remain constantly vigilant around her husband

In March 2024, an awkward video of a frazzled Joe Biden conversing with a woman until Jill Biden pulled him away went viral. Upon inspecting the clip, Nicole Moore opined to Women Lifestyle that it displayed how the first lady always had to remain highly alert around the president to prevent him from blundering. She reckoned that Jill's increased awareness of her circumstances suggested that she may not have complete faith in Joe's judgment. Further, the expert stated that Jill's body language in the video appeared quite combative as she marched over to Joe to help him rectify his error. "She moves her body aggressively in between Joe and the woman he is speaking to, a body language indicator that she is marking her territory and making her presence known," Moore declared. 

Likewise, Jill boldly moved her fingers from side to side to warn Joe not to speak to her any more. Moore explicated the seemingly inconsequential gesture: "She's not afraid to take control of her husband and perhaps she even feels it's her duty to do so." Over the years, millions have witnessed countless awkward Joe moments, so it makes sense that Jill may be on edge trying to ensure he doesn't add to the ever-growing list. However, she's not always successful, given that there's been at least one instance of Joe awkwardly mistaking Vice President Kamala Harris for his wife.

Joe's political career may be more important to Jill than her own needs

As Joe Biden delivered his victory speech in March 2020, a group of animal rights activists burst onto the stage. However, a video from the event showed Jill Biden coming to the rescue at just the right moment. Body language expert and celebrity love coach Nicole Moore proclaimed that the clip served as a great example of Jill's fiercely protective nature. The expert pointed out how she wasted no time protecting her husband by creating a wall of sorts between him and the hecklers. The first lady's protective gesture was made even more impressive by the fact that everything happened in the blink of an eye, so Jill instinctively acted on her deeply rooted love and care for Joe. Likewise, the former teacher didn't have any qualms about getting in the fray to protect the president. 

"As the heckling intensified, Jill forcibly pushed the hecklers away while she raised her lips and bared her teeth, displaying primal aggression and protectiveness," Moore observed. Joe also subtly supported his wife by keeping his arm on her back throughout the scary encounter. But once the situation was contained, Jill immediately brushed him off. The body language expert believes that the first lady used this gesture to reassure her husband that she didn't need to be comforted, urging Joe to focus on his speech instead. Moore further detailed, "Her body language here [indicates] that she cares more about her husband and his political career than her own self at times."

Jill Biden sometimes treats her husband like a child

Joe and Jill Biden started 2024 with a decidedly awkward moment. Ryan Seacrest inquired about the couple's favorite foods during an ABC News interview, leading the president to begin listing a whole bunch until Jill came to the rescue and reminded him of one of his favorites: "Ice cream," (via YouTube). As Nicole Moore exclusively argued to Women Lifestyle, Jill's body language made it clear that she felt increasingly anxious as her husband attempted to answer the question. The expert reckons that the first lady was so tightly wound because she had to vigilantly listen to her husband and be ready to step in and save him from humiliating himself at a moment's notice. However, when Moore witnessed Jill nudging him in the right direction, she almost appeared to be treating him like a child. 

The expert elaborated, "When Jill says 'and ice cream' to remind Joe that he's been eating ice cream, she points her finger forcefully toward him and then shakes her head up and down in a yes motion while smiling, almost as if she's trying to point a child in the right direction on what to say." Ultimately, the celebrity love coach contended that Jill desperately wanted to prevent the situation from going south fast. We saw Jill treating Joe in a similarly childlike manner after the first 2024 presidential debate. In a viral video, the former teacher was seen complimenting the president like he was a toddler by reassuring Joe, "You did such a great job. You answered every question. You knew all the facts."

The Bidens' relationship may have become 'one-sided'

Above all else, Nicole Moore confirmed to Women Lifestyle that Jill Biden's body language undoubtedly showcases her love for her husband. Moreover, the first lady wants to protect Joe Biden from embarrassing himself. But regardless, Jill still often feels embarrassed by his actions and is evidently growing weary of having to closely monitor his every move. Moore ultimately came to the conclusion that their relationship had become "one-sided" as Jill prioritized her husband's public image and career over her own emotional needs. This is typically very stressful and tiring for the person who constantly sacrifices in favor of their partner. Moore already spotted a tell-tale sign of the former teacher's exhaustion, noting, "We can see by Jill's quiet grimaces that she is under some strain and it's possible that her being so entirely focused on Joe's needs may lead to resentment." 

Joe occasionally tries to reach out to his wife emotionally, which was noticeable in how the president kept his hand on her back throughout the heckler confrontation. However, it didn't seem like Jill wanted his comfort half as much as she wanted Joe to focus on his speech and career. Moore maintained, "Jill may be operating in auto-pilot mode and soldiering on without her needs being met." Sadly, the first lady's sacrifices are only forcing her deeper into an unhealthy place emotionally. "My concern in a relationship dynamic like this would be that the neglected partner might eventually become so fed up with stuffing their feelings and needs down that they explode," Moore professed.
