The Stunning Transformation Of Teddi Jo Mellencamp

Teddi Jo Mellencamp — also known as Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave — is one of the stars of Bravo's reality show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. If you're trying to figure out why her name sounds so familiar, it's because the reality star is also the daughter of another well-known celeb, John Mellencamp.

Growing up as the daughter of a 1980s pop sensation means that Mellencamp's life has never exactly been normal, but she's managed to stay grounded in spite of spending her life rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. Mellencamp might be a housewife, but she's not just hanging out in her multi-million dollar house — she keeps pretty busy. If you can't get enough of Mellencamp on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, have no fear. We've got all the details on how the reality star has transformed over the years, from her childhood as a famous musician's daughter to her Real Housewife status.

Teddi Jo Mellencamp's no stranger to the limelight

Modern audiences may only be getting to know Teddi Jo Mellencamp by watching her on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but Mellencamp is used to dealing with a certain level of fame. That's just kind of inevitable when you grow up with a famous father. Born to John Mellencamp and his second wife, Vicky Granucci, Mellencamp has one full sibling from that relationship, Justice. She also has two younger half-brothers, Hud and Speck, and an older half-sister her dad had when he was still in his teens, Michelle.

While having a famous dad didn't affect her childhood too much, as she wasn't constantly exposed to the press as many kids of celebrities are, being the daughter of John Mellencamp has to come with a certain amount of pressure. With hits like "Cherry Bomb" and "Hurts So Good" under her dad's belt, Mellencamp grew up with some pretty big shoes to fill.

Teddi Jo Mellencamp grew up on horseback

It wasn't long before it became clear that Teddi Jo Mellencamp had her own impressive talent. In her younger years, Mellencamp was something of a pro on horseback. The young equestrian was a champion rider, and the hobby was a formative part of her childhood. Mellencamp started riding at the tender age of 4, and, after her parents divorced, it was horses that helped her get through it. "There are some kids that when that happens, they get a little lost, but riding gave me so much to focus on and so much positivity in my life I was unable to ever feel those moments," she told Sidelines

She went on the equestrian circuit, spending much of her time hitting the road and going to competitions. "My parents were very supportive and understanding," she said.

She added, "My parents understood that that's what I wanted to do, and I was lucky to have trainers that kept me safe and organized and helped me reach my goals."

Teddi Jo Mellencamp went from divorcee to Real Housewife

As the title of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills implies, Teddi Jo Mellencamp is married. Her husband is the CEO and founder of Skyline Security Management, Edwin Arroyave. While we aren't sure exactly how much money Mellencamp herself is worth, Arroyave's net worth is an estimated $12 million. His impressive fortune qualified Mellencamp to join the cast of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, whose cast members live in the lap of luxury

Before she was a Real Housewife though, Mellencamp was a divorcee. Many people don't realize that Arroyave, whom Mellencamp married in 2011, is the reality star's second husband. In 2006, Mellencamp first married Matthew Robertson in a lavish wedding where her father performed for the guests. Just two and a half years later, the couple separated. Mellencamp filed for divorce in July 2009, citing "irreconcilable differences," as reported by Radar Online.

Becoming a mom started a new chapter in Teddi Jo Mellencamp's life

Teddi Jo Mellencamp gave birth to her first child, Slate, in 2012 and her second, Cruz, in 2014. Before giving birth to Cruz, who was conceived through IVF, she had multiple miscarriages that left her devastated. She finally opened up about her struggles with infertility in 2019. "When it was happening to me, I felt so alone because I didn't realize how many people it had happened to because as we get further in time, more people are being open about their struggles and it's OK," she told Us Weekly. "You hide in it because you don't want anybody to know that you're struggling. ... I didn't even want [my husband] to know."

While she'd love to have another child, she said that she doesn't think she could go through IVF again. "It's hard right now," Mellencamp said. "It's something I still struggle [with].... I would love to have another baby, but I don't know that I can do that again."

Teddi Jo Mellencamp's kids are budding equestrians

Teddi Jo Mellencamp is passing down her love for horses to her kids. It makes sense that she'd want to share something that is so important to her with the most important people in her life. It also helped her get back into horseback riding after struggling to find a way to fit it into her life once she became a mom. "I tried to get right back into the horse show world and travel with a babysitter, and it wasn't sitting well with me," she told Sidelines. "I felt like I had one foot in, one foot out — I couldn't 100 percent commit to her and I couldn't 100-percent commit to riding. It wasn't feeling great. I stopped and at that point, I was just focusing on my family. After I had my son, Cruz, Slate had gotten old enough and had started expressing interest and wanting to ride."

Now, riding horses isn't just a lifelong passion of Mellencamp's but something that she is able to use to bond with her precious little ones.

Teddi Jo Mellencamp struggled with her weight throughout her life

In her younger years, Teddi Jo Mellencamp's equestrian lifestyle helped her stay in shape. Even if she gained weight, she found it fairly easy to get back to a healthy weight. After she had kids, though, Mellencamp's body changed. The reality star found it harder to lose weight and got to a point where she simply wasn't happy with her body.

"Throughout my life my weight fluctuated many times; I would pretend that those highs and lows didn't affect me but that just isn't the truth," Mellencamp wrote on her website. "At my heaviest, I felt lonely, sad and angry. At my smallest, I felt panicked, stressed and worried that I would gain the weight back. I very rarely felt great in my own skin." She continued, "After struggling to get pregnant with my son and undergoing multiple IVF treatments, I gained 80+ pounds. I was thrilled to have my healthy baby boy but was left feeling broken inside."

The Mellencamp we see on TV is slim, but, at her heaviest, the star revealed that she weighed over 200 pounds

Weight loss is all about accountability for Teddi Jo Mellencamp

Teddi Jo Mellencamp decided to get in shape for her family. "In order to be the best mom, wife and version of myself I knew things needed to change!" she wrote on her website. She was able to turn her diet and exercise routine around by holding herself accountable to friends and relatives. "I started a second Instagram account, and day one I posted a picture of myself with my kids," she told NBC News. "And I said, 'Hey, guys. I'm on here, because I'm going to workout everyday. And call me out on it if I don't.' Thirty people followed me; They were my best friends. And every day I'd post my workout, and say what I thought about it."

Knowing people were watching her progress helped Mellencamp stay motivated. "It wasn't about likes," she said. "It wasn't about anything other than if I say I'm going to do something, I'm going do it, and this is what's holding me accountable."

She added that, while exercise is important, a healthy diet is key. "It doesn't matter if you have a personal trainer," she said. "It doesn't matter if you're going to a workout class. If you're eating badly, it doesn't matter."

Teddi Jo Mellencamp has helped others transform their bodies

Teddi Jo Mellencamp is living a healthier lifestyle, but she wasn't content with simply transforming her own life and body. She decided that she also wanted to help other people make similar lifestyle changes. To do this, she started a new career as an accountability coach who helps others transform their bodies and their lives. "We set goals that we can actually accomplish," she told NBC News about her business. "I don't want to be there forever for you. I want you to say, 'I don't need you anymore, because I am accountable for myself.'"

The strict program helps people lose weight by making them answer to someone. Clients are required to follow a healthy diet and text proof that they've worked out. Mellencamp only accepts those who are serious about changing the way they eat and exercise. "And if you can't follow the program?" she said. "You're out. The people that can't, they don't want it bad enough."

The business seems to be doing pretty well. Mellencamp said that she has over 350 clients working with more than a dozen coaches and that the business has an extensive waiting list. 

Teddi Jo Mellencamp went under the knife

Teddi Jo Mellencamp has been open about getting plastic surgery in order to get her body just the way she wants it. While some celebs might deny going under the knife, Mellencamp has no issues with acknowledging the work she's had done and revealing details about it. In the comments of an Instagram post (via People), where she showed before and after pictures of her weight loss, Mellencamp revealed that she'd had plastic surgery after having her children and losing weight. 

In response to a question about whether she had undergone a nose job, Mellencamp said that she hadn't had work done on her nose but did have some work done on her breasts. The reality star explained that, while they "didn't need a lift," she had decided to have the surgery done because she wasn't completely happy with them. Mellencamp wrote that "they deflated after breast feeding and weight loss so [the surgeon] added 210 cc implants."

Teddi Jo Mellencamp had to adjust to a new level of fame

Even though she grew up in a well-known family, Teddi Jo Mellencamp still had to adjust to the limelight shining on her so brightly. She'd seen firsthand what being famous looked like, but she still required an adjustment period after joining the cast of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills in 2017.  After she became a celeb in her own right, she suddenly had to learn how to handle the press herself.

"The East Coast is different," she told Sidelines, referring to where she grew up. "I lived with my mom, but growing up with my dad and going to horse shows with him, nobody really made a big deal about [his fame]. So the press is all new to me."

Mellencamp was a fast learner. Even though she claims to be a novice when it comes to dealing with the press, she doesn't seem at all fazed by the cameras.

Staying organized keeps Teddi Jo Mellencamp sane

Teddi Jo Mellencamp is a busy woman. Not only is she a reality TV star, but she also runs her own business and is raising a family. That's a lot of pressure on just one person. How does Mellencamp keep things together? Her secret is organization. "I'm a list person: Every night before I go to bed, I organize my to-do list," the reality star told Sidelines. "I plan out my week; I'm not a last-minute person."

Mellencamp added that it's her organizational system that helps her do so much without overwhelming herself. "I like to be able to take my kids to activities, I like to be able to work and be there for my clients, but I'm not going to spread myself so thin that I'm not able to take care of my kids, or my husband, or my horses, or my clients or whatever it is," she said. "A lot of that is just time management. As long as I am making time for myself to manage how to prioritize everything, I can do it."

Teddi Jo Mellencamp puts herself first

Juggling her career, fame, and her family can be a challenge, but Teddi Jo Mellencamp knows to focus on what's important and to take care of herself. She knows that self-care isn't critical just for her own mental health, but for the sake of her family. "I think so many of us, especially moms or women who are constantly on the go, we forget to take care of ourselves," she told NBC News. "And a big part of being the best mom, being the best wife, being the best boss, being the happiest you can be, is taking care of yourself, putting yourself as a priority."

Mellencamp added that a little "me time" isn't selfish, but is instead the opposite. "What's selfish is not taking care of me and being in a bad mood all day," she said.

Mellencamp said that personal time doesn't mean ignoring her family. "If it's a Saturday, and you've worked all week and you don't want to take that time away from your kids because you feel guilty, you can say, 'Let's go on a family hike. Let's do this together. Let's all embrace it.'"

Teddi Jo Mellencamp's dad doesn't approve of all her Real Housewives antics

She might be all grown up now, but Teddi Jo Mellencamp still has to answer to her dad. He watches her on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and he doesn't like everything that he sees his daughter doing. He's not afraid to scold her, either, when she gets up to something he doesn't approve of — even something small. Teddi Jo Mellencamp told Extra about the time her dad watched an episode and told her to call him. "I thought he was going to be irritated by something, and he goes, 'Why are you wearing all these stupid hats?'" she said. "And I'm like, 'Some days I don't want to do my hair, dad.'"

Other times, however, their conversations are a lot more serious. Mellencamp told Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen (via People) that her dad doesn't approve of her drinking on TV and asked her not to get drunk on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills anymore.

Teddi Jo Mellencamp's still a daddy's girl at heart

Teddi Jo Mellencamp has certainly changed a lot over the years, but one thing that has not wavered is her relationship with her dad. She and her famous father share a tight bond that hasn't been shaken as she's grown up and had kids of her own. In fact, John Mellencamp is super close with his grandchildren, too. "They call him Peepaw," Teddi Jo Mellencamp told People. "He's so much fun with them."

Pictures of the singer can regularly be spotted on his daughter's Instagram page, further proving her special connection with him. "Shoutout to my pops who not only sends me daily reminders of what's important but continues to spread a message of hope and the American dream through his music," the Real Housewives star wrote in the caption of a video of her dad playing with her kids. "So proud of all he's accomplished."
