Prince Andrew And Sarah Ferguson Interactions That Made People Uncomfortable

Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, have a relationship unlike any other. The pair tied the knot in 1986 in a royal wedding that included plenty of pomp and more than one celebrity guest. However, just six years after the couple started their life together, they separated due to the challenges of balancing family and career. Andrew's role in the Royal Navy meant that he was often away from home, leaving Sarah to care for their two daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, on her own. By 1996, Andrew and Sarah officially divorced — but their story doesn't end there.

In 2000, Andrew told Tatler that he and Sarah had moved back in together at the Royal Lodge. This living arrangement may sound like a terrible idea, but Andrew and Sarah have shown that exes can actually make things work. By 2023, the Daily Mail reported that the Duke and Duchess of York were still happily shacked up together. As Sarah once told the Financial Times, they are the "happiest divorced couple in the world."

Naturally, though, there is always quite a bit of awkwardness when it comes to living with one's ex. As much as Sarah and Andrew seem like a contentedly separated couple, thy've had a handful of uncomfortable moments.

The Duke and Duchess of York sat together at King Charles' coronation concert

Although Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson are no longer together, they still attend royal events side by side. This dynamic was more than clear at King Charles III's May 2023 coronation concert. On this special day, Andrew and Sarah sat together in the crowd and even poured over the same event program.

Jess Ponce III, a body language expert, communication coach, and the author of "A.W.E.S.O.M.E: 7 Keys to Unlock the Speaker Within," previously told Women Lifestyle in an exclusive interview that Sarah and Andrew's joint appearance spoke to their relationship. "The two of them are looking down, reviewing the same document. This symbolic gesture speaks volumes as the two them seem to be together for a common cause," Ponce said.

This sense of intimacy was not lost on royal fans, who questioned the duo's motives for attending royal events together. One royal watcher took to Reddit to speculate: "It seems like she and Andrew really only got divorced on paper. Probably because of her credit card debt." Another speculated: "I would guess that Fergie knows some sh*t. Keeping her around and comfortable is in [the royal family's] very best interest." A Daily Mail reader thinks it more simple than that, joking in the comments section of an article, "They're the only two people who can stand each other."

Sarah Ferguson joined Prince Andrew for Christmas at Sandringham

Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson's joint appearances didn't stop with coronation events. On December 25, 2023, the happily divorced exes were spotted together at Sandringham. The former couple was photographed by each other's side at the famous Christmas Day church service traditionally attended by the royal family. This was remarkable, as it was the first time Sarah had been permitted to attend the royal event in decades.

Royal protocol generally stipulates that exes are not welcome at Sandringham. Even girlfriends, boyfriends, and live-in partners have not been included at the church service in years past. This was a Christmas tradition Queen Elizabeth instilled and, as such, Sarah had not been invited to the event since her separation from Andrew. Interestingly, King Charles III chose to adjust the rules for Sarah.

Needless to say, royal watchers were shocked by the change — and plenty were unhappy to see the Duchess of York in attendance. Many of them found it downright awkward that the ex-husband and ex-wife were still spending holidays together. In a comment on a Daily Mail article, a royal fan observed, "Not so ex ... they're shacked up together!" Another chimed in, writing, "Looking a right royal mess as usual."
