Donald Trump's Ironic Rally Gaffe Has Everyone Saying The Same Thing

Donald Trump has made many slips of the tongue over the course of his political career, but his latest is a particularly ironic doozy. Speaking at a rally in Michigan on the evening of June 15, Trump went over familiar ground: crime, illegal immigration, inflation, American industries closing, and yes, his famous hair. According to Magno News, he even went off on low-flow shower heads, saying, "I take a shower, I want that beautiful hair to be nice and wet. ...I want it to be lathered beautifully."

Then, about half an hour into his speech, the former president segued into a challenge for the current commander-in-chief. Saying President Joe Biden "doesn't even know what inflation is," Trump went on, "I think he should take a quiz. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did. I took a cognitive test, and I aced it. Doc Ronny, Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor. And he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history."

There was just one small problem with that statement: the physician and politician's name is actually Dr. Ronny Jackson — a rather embarrassing gaffe to make when one is bragging about being mentally sharp. Trump even doubled down on his claim by adding Jackson tried to dissuade him from taking the acuity test because of the scorn he might face if he flunked it. The public reaction to this name flubbing certainly proved the point. 

Online critics wonder if Dr. Jackson might make a name change

On X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, clips of Donald Trump forgetting the name of his doctor are setting off giggles, including a series of emoji laughs from none other than Mark Hamill. "He aced it so good he got his doctor's name wrong (Ronny JACKSON)," said a critic. Added a second, "In case anyone is confused, he was referring to Dr. Ronny Jackson, and he just glitched the names. Now I can't explain the rest of it because he's just not cognitively there anymore." Then there was this bit of double-entendre wit: "He can't control or keep track of his Johnsons!" (The writer was clearly following Stormy Daniels and the hush-money trial.)

On a more serious note, many commenters pointed out the "very tough" quiz is actually the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test, a short screening tool with simple tasks such as repeating a series of numbers forward and backward, identifying pictures of animals, drawing a clock reading 11:30, subtracting from 100 by 7s, and recalling a series of words (face, velvet, church, daisy, red) after a short delay, according to the MoCA website. "You've talked about [the test] like it's the medical boards, but you were asked to remember five words. Five," a user scoffed

Other users suggested Dr. Jackson is so loyal to Trump he would do anything to prove him right. "Just watch," predicted one writer. "Jackson will now announce he is changing his name to 'Johnson,' just because."
