Details About HGTV Star Cristy Lee's Tragic Health Issues

2023 was a tough year for HGTV's "Steal This House" host, and proud Detroit resident, Cristy Lee. It was the year she ended up in the hospital and was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition known as thyroid eye disease or TED, which is caused by the inflammation of the eye muscles due to hyperthyroidism or Graves' disease. The reality star shared the highly personal news on Instagram alongside a short reel documenting her journey thus far. "The past 8 months have been the most challenging time in my entire life," Lee acknowledged in the caption. After weeks of constantly being in and out of the hospital, the car enthusiast confirmed that she underwent a medical procedure to remove her thyroid glands completely sometime during the year. For the following five months, she couldn't see out of one eye due to extreme pain and swelling. 

"I've always been a strong person, but this broke me," Lee confessed, adding, "The state of my mental health was not good for awhile." In the midst of her battle with TED and Graves' disease, the "Steal This House" host was also shocked to discover that she had thyroid cancer on top of everything else, noting, "I'm scheduled for my first lymphatic ultrasound and gene cancer soon." The rest of the year was a blur of treatments and hospital stays, forcing the TV personality to take some time off work to focus on her wellbeing and recovery. She came forward with her story in the hopes of inspiring others. 

Cristy Lee thought she had sinusitis at first

It all started with a nagging headache, Cristy Lee wrote as she recounted the events leading up to her diagnosis on Instagram. At first, the HGTV star suspected that she was simply experiencing a bout of sinusitis, "since the area behind and around my eyes was swollen and painful." But it wouldn't go away despite all the medications she took after attending urgent care, and the "Steal This House" host's condition only worsened over time. Hopeless, she rushed herself to the emergency room where doctors tested for thyroid issues. It was then that Lee finally got her answer. "They ran allll the tests, which included a full thyroid panel," the TV personality divulged, pointing out, "The ER PA actually called my diagnosis right there and then as Graves Disease + Thyroid Eye Disease."

As Lee admitted during a 2024 interview with the Detroit Metro Times, "I was completely floored." All in all, she ended up seeing more than 20 specialists in her quest to learn everything she could about her debilitating condition, which reportedly affects only 1% of the general population and is most common in women, and those aged 30 and over, according to Yale Medicine. Aside from having her thyroid glands removed, the "All Girls Garage" star also underwent orbital decompression surgery to treat her bulging eyes. Lee has continued to document her journey on social media as part of her goal to educate the public about Graves' disease.

Cristy Lee marked one year since her diagnosis

In a May 2024 Instagram post, Cristy Lee marked one year since she underwent a complete thyroidectomy (or the total removal of her thyroid glands) after being diagnosed with Graves' disease in 2023. "I struggled with this decision for months," the "Steal This House" host wrote, adding, "But as my eye disease worsened, I had two options — take drastic measures or ride my active phase of TED out (which I still am now)." Fortunately, her experience with the thyroidectomy was surprisingly tolerable — Lee's eye surgery, though? Not so much. "That's when things got fun," the HGTV star quipped. Lee also responded to harsh accusations that she was making up her diagnosis in order to garner sympathy and attention. "I don't typically like to stoke those fires, but WOW, just WOW," the TV personality trailed off. 

These days, Lee — who has notably enjoyed a stunning transformation over the years — has gotten better at managing her condition and is back to hosting with a brand new show on HGTV, "Battle of the Mountains." She also celebrated a personal milestone in late 2023 by exchanging vows with her longtime partner John Hawkins. The two got engaged in Christmas 2022 and tied the knot at a private ceremony in her home state of Michigan. "We considered postponing but then we decided, 'We're doing this," Lee explained to People. "We're going to do this wedding regardless of how I look or if I feel well enough." She added, "I thought, 'This is my day!'"
