Princess Charlotte's Most Adorable Moments When Meeting The Public

Princess Charlotte has her own star power, thanks to her famous family and illustrious lineage. As such, the little princess has been a cultural focus of fascination, particularly in the moments that she's interacted with the public. It seems like there's a certain panache that's specific to the female members of the royal family. While her brothers Prince George and Prince Louis can certainly charm a crowd, it's Charlotte who warms everyone's hearts. Just like her mother Princess Catherine, Charlotte is arguably the "secret weapon" that the royal family needs.

From the moment she first met the world outside of St. Mary's Hospital on May 2, 2015, Princess Charlotte melted our hearts and has continued to do so ever since. The charm also comes with a side of spice, since Princess Charlotte also has a delightfully sassy side and isn't afraid to show it. Because of her robust energy, many have compared Charlotte to her great aunt, Princess Anne, for their ability to balance an entertainingly cheeky side along with a staunch sense of duty.

Charlotte has displayed this charming balance of precociousness and politeness most evidently when she's met the public. While she's obviously been in the spotlight her whole life, it wasn't until a few years ago that she began interacting with and meeting members of the general public, and Charlotte has charmed everyone through and through.

Princess Charlotte was affectionate with members of the public on Christmas morning in 2019

Princess Charlotte was 4 years old when she made her debut greeting the public. On Christmas Day in 2019, Charlotte attended a Christmas service at the St. Mary Magdalene Church in Norfolk along with other members of the royal family. After the morning service ended, Charlotte walked with her older brother, Prince George, and her parents, Princess Catherine, and Prince William, to greet members of the public. Younger brother Prince Louis was only 1 year old at the time, and stayed at home with nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo.

For her big moment, Charlotte wore a forest-green coat by Amaia, with black tights and black Mary Jane flats. George, who was 6 at the time, held onto William's hand as father and son greeted well-wishers. Charlotte stayed close to Catherine, and the mother-daughter duo charmed the eager crowds. One member of the public gave Charlotte an inflatable pink flamingo, which the little princess graciously accepted, and hugged the generous gift-giver. Another woman, who gifted Charlotte a doll, later told Sky News, (via People), how mature and confident the wee princess seemed. "She came over with her mom, she liked the doll," the visitor began. "Her manners are outstanding — but she's cheeky, she wasn't at all scared." For her first time ever of interacting with the public, Charlotte was an absolute hit.

Princess Charlotte conducted an orchestra in Cardiff in 2022

In June 2022, Princess Charlotte, then 7 years old, and Prince George, aged 8, visited Cardiff in Wales alongside Princess Catherine and Prince William in celebration of the Platinum Jubilee. As part of the days-long commemoration, the young family enjoyed some time in Wales, where they toured Cardiff Castle and greeted members of the public who were waiting to receive them. After chatting with excited crowds, Charlotte and George got to have some fun at the Platinum Jubilee Celebration Concert.

The two youngsters got to play with sound-mixing equipment, and then Charlotte took the lead with the orchestra, as shared on TikTok. Conductor John Quirk gave Charlotte the baton and she led the group in the Disney "Encanto" hit "We Don't Talk About Bruno." While she was a little nervous at first, Charlotte quickly got the hang of things and had a big laugh with her brother. It was obviously a lot of fun. During the musical encounter, Catherine told people that both of the kids were musically inclined, with George learning the electric guitar and Charlotte starting out on the piano. So, a musical way to interact with the public was no doubt a pleasure for the young princess.

Princess Charlotte was adorable accepting flowers in Cardiff

While Princess Charlotte's visit in Wales in June 2022 was all about celebrating the reign of her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, it was the young princess who stole the show. What made her presence there so special was the fact that it was Charlotte's first visit to Wales, and the public came out in throngs to meet the princess, along with her brother, Prince George, and parents, Princess Catherine and Prince William. 

In a TikTok video that went viral, Prince William asks a crowd member whether the bouquet of flowers she was holding were for Catherine or Charlotte. When the visitor asks Charlotte if she would like the vibrant bunch of yellow and red tulips, Charlotte graciously accepts them and looks absolutely besotted by the gesture. People online were very taken with Charlotte's sweet reception of the gift. 

"She is so precious! Just like her brothers," one person commented. "The Prince and Princess of Wales are doing a beautiful job raising their children." Another person wrote, "These kids are just so pure." While someone else gushed, "She's sooooo cuteee." Others really liked that William introduced his children by name to members of the public who were gathered there, noting that most people in the world already know their names. The amiable gesture, and Charlotte's sweet reaction, definitely struck a chord.

Princess Charlotte shook hands with athletes at the Commonwealth Games in 2022

In August 2022, Princess Charlotte attended the Commonwealth Games with Princess Catherine and Prince William, while her two brothers stayed home. Watching a swimming competition at the Sandwell Aquatics Centre, she seemed to enjoy the one-on-one time with her parents. The young royal was very expressive at the event, showing animated body language that indicated her enthusiastic investment. Charlotte was even spotted shaking hands with swimmer Warren Lawrence in an adorable display of sophistication and maturity. 

Princess Charlotte dressed stylishly wearing a black and white striped dress by Rachel Riley that featured a white Peter Pan collar. She sported white sandals, and wore her hair in pigtail braids.

After the swim competition finished, Charlotte accompanied her parents on a visit to SportsAid House, of which Catherine is a patron. Charlotte shook hands with both staff and athletes, and sat with her parents as they chatted with members of SportsAid House. Charlotte was perfectly amiable, making eye contact with whomever was speaking and confidently putting her hand forward to greet people. After that, she joined her parents for more sporting competitions, including gymnastics, which really struck a chord with Charlotte. Catherine told the Daily Mail that Charlotte had a gymnasts' heart. "Charlotte spends most of her time upside-down, doing handstands and cartwheels," the Princess of Wales explained of her young daughter. 

Princess Charlotte greeted the public during the Christmas walk in 2022

Christmas 2022 marked the first holiday for the royal family without Queen Elizabeth II, who died on September 8 of that year. Her son, King Charles III, had ascended the throne and the rest of the royal family went on with the festive traditions as usual. Catherine, Princess of Wales, and Prince William attended St. Mary Magdalene Church near Sandringham House with their three children in tow: Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, who was making his Christmas debut. Since Louis was the youngest, Catherine held his hand as she greeted the public, meaning that Charlotte and George were a little more independent as they met well-wishers. Charlotte accepted flowers and politely chatted with the throng of fans who had gathered outside the church and accepted flowers gifted to her. 

For the Christmas greeting, Charlotte wore a cranberry red coat that she had first worn for the "Royal Carols: Together at Christmas," which had taken place two weeks earlier at Westminster Abbey. While we had seen the outfit earlier, Charlotte looked every bit as adorable that Christmas morning. The excited crowds certainly thought so too.

Princess Charlotte participated in archery with locals at the end of the coronation weekend

In honor of King Charles III's big coronation ceremony, the royals participated in an array of events to commemorate it. Prince William and Princess Catherine brought their three children to a Scouts event in Slough, a town in England near Windsor Castle. The event was part of the Big Help Out, an initiative started by Charles to promote community spirit by getting people to volunteer in their local areas. While each of the Wales children was lovable and rambunctious at the event, Charlotte was a particularly noteworthy participant. She painted and then tried her hand at archery, which went really well. Following the activity, Charlotte and her two brothers roasted marshmallows around a fire, interacting with other children and adults who were also enjoying s'mores.

For the outdoor event, Charlotte wore denim shorts and a pink, Ralph Lauren sweater with a Scout's scarf around her neck. The three Wales children then greeted the public, who stood around the event watching the youngsters eagerly take part in the array of activities. After the solemnity of the coronation event, running around in shorts and playing outside was no doubt a breath of fresh air for Charlotte and her brothers. 

Princess Charlotte's Christmas walk in 2023 was a big hit with the locals

During Christmas 2023, the Wales family followed their tradition of attending St. Mary Magdalene Church, before heading back to Sandringham House for a turkey dinner, the exchange of gifts, and watching King Charles III's Christmas message on TV. In 2023, even little Prince Louis had already done the Christmas walk once before, so all three Wales children were pros at it. For Princess Charlotte and Prince George, the event was certainly familiar. The family coordinated in blues and greens, with Charlotte in an olive green over-coat with black tights and black Mary Jane shoes. She wore her hair in two half-braids, pulled back in a middle part.

Charlotte greeted members of the public along with Mia Tindall, daughter of Zara and Mike Tindall, and granddaughter of Princess Anne. In an adorable video circulating on TikTok, Charlotte was seen holding flowers from well-wishers when a fan tries to offer the young princess another bouquet. Charlotte then gestures to Mia that she should get them and Mia looks elated. People were very touched by Charlotte's courteousness and maturity. "Princess Charlotte is so kind & thoughtful," someone commented on TikTok. "Charlotte is precious and so sweet to others every time we see her!" someone else wrote, and we couldn't agree more. 
