Prince George & Prince Archie Share One Important Person In Their Life

Despite their family ties, Prince George and Prince Archie don't have a close cousin relationship thanks to their feuding fathers. However, the pair of princes actually have another figure in common outside of their family: their godfather. Hugh Grosvenor, Seventh Duke of Westminster, is both George and Archie's godfather. Not only does this unique connection prove what an important figure Hugh is to both William, Prince of Wales and Prince Harry, but it would also give George and Archie a special way to bond — if their dads allowed it, of course.

Hugh is quite the high-profile figure. Not only is he close with the royal family, but The Sunday Times' 2024 Rich List called him the wealthiest person under the age of 40. Hugh comes from a wealthy family, and his mother Natalia Grosvenor is Prince William's godmother. Furthermore, Hugh's own godfather is King Charles III. 

In October 2013, George was baptized and given a whopping seven godparents, one of whom is Hugh. Archie was christened in 2019, and his parents Harry and Meghan Markle weren't open about his godparents at the time, but it has since been revealed that Hugh is his godfather as well. Hugh's wedding to Olivia Henson is set for June 7, 2024, and while this happy occasion could have brought George and Archie together, it seems they won't get the opportunity.

William and Harry's conflict may be keeping Archie from his godfather's wedding

The nuptials of Hugh Grosvenor, Seventh Duke of Westminster are sure to be an exciting event. The duke will wed Olivia Henson at Chester Cathedral in England alongside approximately 400 guests. While Prince William will be among those guests, it seems that Prince Harry will not. William will act as an usher in the high-profile wedding, and Prince George is rumored to have a role, as well. 

William and Harry are, of course, not on good terms. Consequently, if both brothers were to attend the nuptials, it would surely distract from the "I do's." However, it is said that neither the Duke of Sussex nor Prince Archie will be in attendance, though the reason why hasn't been formally confirmed. There was a rumor that Harry was never invited to begin with due to the tension between him and William. 

A source told the Daily Mail, however, that Harry was invited but declined. "William was asked to have a prominent role in the wedding and that's what triggered Harry to decline an invitation," they said. "Apparently [Harry] was put out by the request when he thought it should have been him." While the true reason why Harry won't make it to the wedding isn't clear, what is certain is that Archie won't be in attendance, either.

Prince George and Prince Archie don't have a relationship due to the family feud

It's particularly interesting that Prince George and Prince Archie won't be able to bond over their shared godfather at Hugh Grosvenor's wedding since Prince Harry is said to be upset about the lack of relationship between his children and Prince William's children. In the week ahead of Hugh's wedding, royal expert Tom Quinn told the Mirror, "We know that Harry's deepest upset concerns not just his lack of relationship with George, Charlotte, and Louis, but also his own children's lack of a relationship with their cousins." According to Quinn, "[Harry and Meghan] would love it if the cousins could meet regularly and have a positive relationship as they grow up ... Harry has said that he hopes the cousins can at least be friends as adults." 

Despite this, though, George and Archie's godfather's wedding marks yet another occasion where they'll miss the chance to bond with each other, most likely due to their dads' feud. Furthermore, Archie's little sister Lilibet, who just turned three, likely won't know her cousins George, Princess Charlotte, and Louis at all if the bad blood between William and Harry doesn't improve. At this rate, though, a royal reconciliation doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon. 
