Inside Sally Field's Unwavering Support For Her Son & The LGBTQ+ Community

Sally Field is the proud mother of three sons —Peter, Eli, and her youngest, Sam, who is a proud member of the LGTBQ+ community. He has long praised his mother for her acceptance of him, telling The Leader in September 2018, "My coming out was definitely different to a lot of people. My family is so extremely supportive, my mom especially. The question of it causing a problem or even having to sit down and talk to them was never part of it." Field's unwavering support for Sam and the queer community as a whole has also spilled over into the public eye, with the actor lending her voice to several causes alongside her son. Her activism and allyship has earned her recognition from the Human Rights Campaign.

Sam presented his mother with the Ally for Equality Award at the organization's 2012 gala. "When I came out, she didn't bat an eye. In fact, she was overjoyed," he stated during his award presentation speech at the ceremony. Since then, the pair have worked together on another initiative to bring about awareness and equality to the LGTBQ+ community: the Equality Act.

Field and Sam collaborated to promote the Equality Act

In March 2019, the "Eye for an Eye” star helped push the Equality Act, which would offer members of the LGBTQ+ community increased civil rights. Specifically, the law would amend current federal anti-discrimination laws to include gender identity and sexual orientation. Despite her stunning transformation, Sally Field has remained an avid supporter of gay rights over the years, so it was a no-brainer to team up with Sam to star in a video PSA promoting the law for the Human Rights Campaign.

In the touching clip, Field video chats with Sam and the two discuss the importance of having such laws in place. "As long as I am upright, I will fight for this to be that Sam and everyone's children and grandchildren and sisters and brothers will be protected in every state of the United States," Field declares in the clip. The Equality Act eventually passed the House in 2021, but did not advance once in the Senate. However, Field isn't giving up the right. She has continued to stand up for queer people, as well as celebrating her son's right to love whomever he pleases by playing matchmaker.

Field tried to get her son a boyfriend

Shortly after the release of her film "Spoiler Alert" in December 2022, which focuses on writer Michael Ausiello and photographer Christopher Cowan's 13-year-long relationship that's rocked when Cowan is diagnosed with terminal cancer, Sally Field again expressed her backing of the Equality Act. While speaking with Advocate, she firmly stated, "I certainly fight for my son's future, to love who he chooses to love, and to get married and have children. Oh, God, would he please find somebody, for Christ sake?"

Field's desire to find Sam a partner seems to have been the driving force behind her February 2018 attempt to hook him with professional skater Adam Rippon. When Sam tweeted a screenshot of a text message exchange between him and Field about his secret Olympic crush. Field took it upon herself to quote the tweet and tag Rippon so he could see for himself. The athlete appeared flattered, addressing the matter during a chat with Buzzfeed. "Sam, your mom — I admire her," he said. "And I'm sure one day we're going to meet! So thanks, Mom." The two eventually did meet in March 2018 during the Human Rights Campaign gala in Los Angeles. While it doesn't appear they ever hit it off romantically, Field is certainly advocating for Sam and his peers to have inclusivity. 
