Expert Decodes Donald And Melania Trump's 5 Most Telling Body Language Moments For Us

Donald Trump always seems to be in the spotlight, whether it's releasing a scathing statement after being found guilty in his hush-money trial, or trying to rally the public in his campaign for a second term as president of the United States. Less likely to appear in that spotlight with him is his wife, Melania Trump. Although she's been married to Donald since January 2005, the former first lady is known for preferring to keep her life as private as possible.

When they do step out together, however, it's a feast for the eyes. Donald tends to be effusive and brash, demanding attention from everyone, while Melania is quiet, and often accused of having a blank face and showing little or no emotions. When they stand side by side, their interactions with each other reveal more than just their contrasting personalities. 

In an exclusive to Women Lifestyle, Nicole Moore, a body language expert and celebrity love advisor, examined five different times Donald and Melania appeared together in public. She decoded their movements and expressions, both subtle and obvious, to find out what they were truly revealing about the relationship and their feelings for each other. Here's what she had to say.

Donald Trump puts himself first over Melania Trump

Just before he was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on January 20, 2017, Donald and Melania Trump stopped at the White House to meet with Barack and Michelle Obama. The then-president and first lady stood at the top of the steps to greet the Trumps upon their arrival. When their black SUV pulled up, Donald emerged from the back and headed directly up the steps to shake hands — leaving Melania to fend for herself.

In an exclusive interview with Women Lifestyle, body language expert Nicole Moore revealed that Donald was in full me-mode during the entire exchange, with little thought given to his wife. He didn't help her out of the car, escort her up the stairs, or ease her into the group. "Melania sucked in her breath and inhaled apprehensively as she approached Michelle Obama to greet her," Moore observed. "Her body language here indicates she was nervous or afraid, and unfortunately, her husband didn't seem to notice her discomfort."

The situation did not improve for Melania. As the couples moved around each other to greet and pose for photos, Donald positioned himself directly in front of her, again putting himself first. When all four headed inside, Donald charged ahead of his wife. "He didn't rest his eyes on his wife for even one second," Women Lifestyle expert noted. "It's in stark contrast to the Obamas, who hugged Melania and placed their hands on her back gently to guide her inside."

Melania Trump shows discomfort with husband Donald

A year into his presidency, Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump headed to Palm Beach, Florida, to ring in 2018 at Mar-A-Lago. As they made their way into the building, the politician stopped to give a statement, with the first lady by his side. However, standing next to him is as cozy as the couple got. There was no hand-holding or even brushing of the shoulders, and body-language expert Nicole Moore told Women Lifestyle the two were emotionally disconnected.

Melania's stance was stiff while her husband spoke, only showing the briefest of hints that more was percolating below the surface. "At one point, Melania appears to break from her forced smile and she opens her mouth slightly, as if she's in pain, followed by small and short inhalations of air," the expert pointed out. "Her body language indicates she's extremely uncomfortable and she's trying, unsuccessfully, to hold her discomfort in."

As Donald spoke, he didn't once make eye contact with his wife, who seemed to be trying to get his attention. "She keeps looking over to Donald, almost as if to see if he'll acknowledge her, but he does not," describes Moore. When he starts walking, Melania stays several steps behind; when he stops abruptly, she shuffles her steps falter a little, and she appears to back up. "It appears Melania is attempting to suffer in silence, but is perhaps secretly wishing her husband would pay attention and notice her discomfort."

Melania Trump rolls her eyes at Donald Trump

After Donald Trump's term as president of the United States ended in January 2021, his wife Melania Trump made herself scarce. Not a fan of being in the public eye even while she was first lady, her exit from the White House allowed her to lead a more private life and to skip making public appearances with her husband. The two did step out together in October 2021, though, to attend the fourth game of the World Series between the Houston Astros and the Atlanta Braves. 

While there were plenty of official photographs taken that day, one person caught a moment where Melania seemed to reveal her true feelings. As Donald was grinning at the crowd and offering two thumbs up, Melania's smile slipped into something less staged. She turns her head away from her husband, glances to the side, and appears to roll her eyes with a grimace before resuming her usual placid expression.

Nicole Moore, a body language expert who spoke with Women Lifestyle, shares it was a definite moment of unhappiness for the former first lady. "Melania does appear to be genuinely disgusted with something in this clip, whether it's her husband or someone in the crowd," she revealed. Because Melanie looked down during her eye-roll, notes Moore, it seems that she was trying to hide her true emotions. "The fact that her eye roll moves so quickly back into a smile indicates that smile is inauthentic."

The Trumps finally display a connection

PDA moments between Donald and Melania Trump are rare, but the couple does occasionally demonstrate they are capable of showing they might actually like each other. In November 2022, Donald officially announced his campaign for the 2024 presidential race at Mar-A-Lago. While standing on a podium at their resort/home, the two clasped hands while smiling and waving to an adoring crowd. 

"Melania and Donald's body language in this picture is in stark contrast to their body language in previous years," observed body language expert Nicole Moore, in an exclusive to Women Lifestyle. She points out the couple are actually standing very close together, and both seem to be leaning into each other. Also of note is Melania's wide smile, which appears to be legitimate. "Typically, when Melania is pretending to smile, her tight neck gives it away," explains Moore. "However, her neck and shoulders are relaxed in this picture, indicating that she's genuinely happy to be standing by Donald's side."

In other interactions between the two, Melania seems to seek attention or acknowledgment from her husband. Her leaning into Donald indicates a desire for comfort, according to Moore. The fact that he grasps her hand and leans back into her seems to indicate he's finally offering his wife something she craves. The two, Moore says, finally look like they are emotionally connected.

Donald and Melania Trump have support without emotions

In January 2024, Melania Trump's mother Amalija Knavs passed away. Both she and her husband Donald Trump attended the funeral services in Palm Beach, Florida, and after, stood together outside the church for one final goodbye. Based on what she saw of the event, body language expert Nicole Moore told Women Lifestyle it seems as if the couple has established their own type of support system for such somber occasions. "The couple may have a mutual understanding in their relationship whereby they'll be by each other's sides as a form of support," she says. "However they won't rely on each other for emotional support." 

As Melania stands next to Donald, she appears sad, her eyes darting back and forth as if she's trying to control her emotions or stop her tears. Not once does she exchange looks with him, nor does she reach for Donald's hand or lean into him. "Melania is communicating extreme independence in this clip," shares Moore. "Her body language shows that she is internalizing her pain and not using her husband as a source of comfort." 

On his part, Donald stands stiffly with his wife and just slightly behind her, a move the body language expert says communicates quiet support. However, there is no personal contact between the two. "It appears the couple does not have the sort of relationship where they comfort each other with physical touch." 
