Rumored Reasons Behind Donald Trump's Post-White House Weight Loss

The 2024 presidential campaign is unique in that both candidates have to overcome public biases about their age. Donald Trump's strategy for winning back the White House includes pointing out how much more mentally and physically fit he is than President Joe Biden. On Biden's November 2023 birthday, Trump released a letter from his doctor proclaiming him in excellent health; a month later, Trump claimed he was healthier than Barack Obama in the doctor's opinion. Per US News & World Report, the report stated Trump had even dropped a few pounds since he was in office: "President Trump has reduced his weight through an improved diet and continued daily physical activity, while maintaining a rigorous schedule." 

It's true the former president is looking slimmer than he did when he was sitting behind the Oval Office desk. But what accounts for his new silhouette? A few theories are out there — some with definite merit, and others a little more eyebrow-raising. For instance, Trump's outfit during the Sneaker-Con event in February 2024, where he promoted his new line of gold high-tops, drew attention. Some viral photos of the event showed a strange bulge around the waistline visible under both his blazer and his white shirt. Was this a bulletproof vest — or, perhaps, a girdle disguising an unwanted roll of belly fat? 

There are other possible methods Trump may have tried to reduce his BMI. He hasn't divulged his secrets yet, but maybe that'll be part of his campaign fundraising strategy.

Has Donald Trump cut down on fast food?

Donald Trump's most well known vice is his fast-food habit. He was fond of chowing down on McDonald's cheeseburgers and Filet-O-Fish sandwiches on the campaign trail, ordering dozens of Diet Cokes from his Oval Office desk, and stocking his plane with packaged chips and cookies. Fans loved his unapologetic love of the empty-calorie stuff — how refreshing to see a billionaire who doesn't live on caviar and truffles! Trump's former White House physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, wasn't so thrilled. He once told The New York Times (via The Week) that he had to resort to trickery to get the former president to eat vegetables: "[W]e were working on his diet. We were making the ice cream less accessible, we were putting cauliflower into the mashed potatoes." 

Another important person may be picking up where the doctor left off. A source told Page Six Melania Trump has been helping to guide her husband away from the Mar-a-Lago buffet and make more sensible eating choices. The insider reported Trump hasn't been "scarfing down ice cream sundaes or chocolate cake with two scoops of vanilla ice cream on it" as much as he did while in office, which could account for the weight loss. But he hasn't given up his habits entirely. With Melania absent from Trump's "hush money" case, he and his legal team have been seen indulging in Mickey D's, pizza, and other treats during lunch breaks.

Trump gets a workout on the green

Dr. Ronny Jackson left his position at the White House before he got the chance to install an exercise bike there. He'd hoped then-president Donald Trump would exercise more if he had the equipment right at hand. Even without a Peloton in the Oval Office, though, Trump does stay active on weekends and vacations. The former POTUS is an avid golfer who's usually found on the course at Mar-a-Lago or one of his many other golf properties. True, Trump has a questionable reputation on the golf course as something of a cheater, with numerous sources claiming to have seen him move his ball out of a tricky spot or even switch his ball with one closer to the green. He also reportedly moves himself ahead in tournaments on the assumption he would have beat the opponent anyway.

While golfers aren't known for their chiseled physiques, the sport does have physical benefits. Dedicated linksmen who walk the full course and carry their bag can burn an estimated 1,400 to 2,000 calories an hour, according to studies quoted in Golf. Riding a cart between holes, as Trump does, cuts into that count somewhat, but even then, playing a round will burn between 800 and 1,200 calories, depending on the course and the weight of the player. That's a good solid workout which could lead to weight loss over time — provided the player doesn't counteract the effects by eating cheeseburgers and fries afterward.

The hosts of The View have a different theory

If Donald Trump hasn't taken up jogging or the Mediterranean diet, what else could account for his reported weight loss? Some of "The View" panelists think they have the answer. On one episode of the popular talk show, Sunny Hostin dished about attending a day of Trump's hush money trial. Per Daily Mail, she described Trump's skin tone as being "a burnt sienna. I had never seen him in person and I didn't realize he was that orange. [...] It's a radioactive orange." Hostin went on to confirm he seemed "a little thinner," and hinted he might be "taking the shot." Joy Behar jumped in to exclaim, "He's on Ozempic — you know it!" 

Is it possible Trump could be trying the trendy weight-loss method? A form of the diabetes drug semaglutide, marketed under the brand name Wegovy, got FDA approval in 2021 for weight loss in non-diabetic patients. Even with his busy court schedule, it would be easy enough for Trump to fit in a weekly visit for the injection. And since semaglutide also increases the sensation of early stomach fullness, Trump might find it appealing to be able to continue eating his favorite foods in smaller portions. 

On the other hand, the former commander-in-chief might not want the public to think his slimmer figure is due to anything but willpower and exercise. Joy Behar might find herself in trouble with Trump again if she dared share her suspicions with him.
