How Tiffany Trump's Time In College Was Starkly Different Than Ivanka's

There are many differences between Tiffany Trump and her older sister, Ivanka. Aside from their 12 year age gap, the two have embarked on different career paths, with Ivanka launching several businesses while Tiffany tried her hand as a pop musician before becoming an attorney. Even in childhood, the sisters grew up differently. Tiffany was raised in California by her mother, Marla Maples, while Ivanka and her brothers, Eric and Don Jr., grew up in New York. Another major difference between the sisters was their college experience.

Both Ivanka and Tiffany attended the University of Pennsylvania for their undergraduate degrees. The siblings followed in their famous father Donald Trump's footsteps, as he also graduated from the university's Wharton School of Business in 1968. While Ivanka also studied in the business program, Tiffany chose to pursue the School of Arts and Sciences. Their academic goals were not the only contrast between the siblings. Ivanka seemed to keep things strictly business on campus, while Tiffany reportedly sought out the many social activities that UPenn had to offer, including the parties.

Ivanka appeared focused more on her studies than socializing

Ivanka Trump originally began her college journey at Georgetown University before transferring to the University of Pennsylvania in her junior year. She lived in an off-campus apartment near the school and appeared hyper focused on her goals and possibly her public facing persona. A former classmate, Jared Work, who graduated in 2004 with Ivanka, told The Daily Pennsylvanian that the entrepreneur was always prepared for her classes and appeared serious about getting good grades. 

"My sense was that she was a little removed from the typical bar scene in college, but I feel like she always handled herself with a lot of class and dignity," Work told the outlet in 2017. Raj Dedhia, another UPenn graduate, described Ivanka as being "very gracious" after he beat her in a negotiation assignment. While it doesn't seem that Ivanka let her hair down much in school, her hard work led to a bachelors in economics. Younger sister Tiffany would also earn her degree years later from the school, though it appears she may have been more of a free spirit than the clothing designer. 

Tiffany Trump partied in between studying

Tiffany Trump also stayed in an apartment while attending the prestigious school, although she did live in an apartment building designed for students. While there, she became a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, seemingly prioritizing a healthy social life in school. When she wasn't in class or doing activities with the group, Tiffany was allegedly heavily involved in the party scene. One insider who attended UPenn with the one-time musician, claimed that she even experimented with marijuana.

"You're looking at Tiff Trump passing a joint to me, and I'm passing it to a kid who grabs it while wearing a $38,000 rose gold Patek Philippe watch," the source told Philly Magazine in 2019, later adding "Tiff was really, really sweet. You never would've guessed from where she came."

Despite enjoying such down time with her fellow students, Tiffany still worked hard at her studies, majoring in sociology with a concentration in law and receiving her degree in 2016. Unlike Ivanka, she did not immediately join the family business. Instead, she enrolled in Georgetown Law School in 2017. She completed her law degree in 2020. While Ivanka and Tiffany Trump navigated their academic pursuits in unique ways, both scholars seemed to flourish in school and after graduating.
