What To Know About Barron Trump's Controversial High School Ahead Of His Graduation Day

Barron Trump turned 18 on March 20, and yet another major milestone is rapidly approaching for the son of former president, Donald Trump. On Friday, May 17, Barron will graduate from high school, and while he's not sure which college he's heading to, it seems that his dad is helping him narrow it down. At a May 14 event at Mar-a-Lago, Donald said: "Right now, he's doing a great job. He has great marks. He's going to be going to college soon. And we're looking at some colleges that are different [than] they were two months ago," per Newsweek

While Barron's future education isn't decided just yet, after Friday, he will be a high school graduate. Barron's high school is a ritzy private school located in West Palm Beach, Florida called Oxbridge Academy. While the school can soon boast Barron as a high-profile graduate, this institution has garnered press in the past for some less desirable reasons. 

In 2015, Oxbridge Academy faced allegations of sexual harassment, as well as accusations of being a hostile working environment for employees. A school staff member, Ulle Boshko, filed a lawsuit against the school claiming that Robert Parsons, who was the school's CEO at the time, sexually harassed her. While the suit was dismissed, she filed another in 2017, claiming that she was fired as a result of her accusations. 

Donald Trump has connections to Oxbridge Academy

Oxbridge Academy was founded in 2011 by William Koch, a billionaire from a wealthy, high profile family that has donated to Donald Trump and the Republican Party in the past. Yet, Koch's connections to Barron Trump's dad go deeper; he hosted a fundraiser for Donald's campaign in 2016, and his wife, Bridget Koch, was one of the former president's top donors. After myriad legal troubles and accusations against the school, Koch replaced faculty members, including the school's head. In a 2016 New York Times interview, William explained, "We are finding alarming things of how money was misspent. If people think they've got a honey pot, there's going to be a lot of bears around it, trying to get it." He called the school an "asylum" led by "a power elites group."

Regardless of how the school's money has been spent in the past, the institution likely has a lot of it. According to the school's website, tuition for high schoolers enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year is $41,500. Since the bad press and the subsequent actions Koch took, Oxbridge Academy has steered clear of any major scandals. In 2021, Barron began at Oxbridge Academy as a sophomore. Over the years, Barron has been kept out of the public eye by his parents, and consequently, there isn't much known about his time in high school. It's safe to say, though, that it has helped to prepare him for whatever comes next.
